Google Classroom

How does my child login?

Students can access Google Classroom by downloading the app or going to

On an iPad or iPhone

Logging into Google Classroom on an iPad or iPhone.mp4

Students use their email and password given to them by the school to complete work. All enrolled students have a Google account.

If they do not have it message their teacher on Class Dojo or email

On an Android tablet or phone

How to download Google Classroom on Android.mp4

On a computer

Logging into Google Classroom on a web browser.mp4

Where can my child find their work?

Under Classwork. Depends on the view but the toolbar for where to find this will be at the top or the bottom of the screen.

This is where all work can be clicked/tapped on to be completed as well as any relevant materials.

Click here to see how to find your graded, missing and assigned work.

How do I open assignments?

For assignments to completed in Google Docs

For assignments to completed in Google Slides Android

For assignments to completed in Google Slides iPad