
Middle School

Step 1: Learning Requirements

7th Grade

Learning requirements are clearly identified in the classroom for students to see. Arrows indicate current requirement of focus.

6th Grade

"Learning requirements are posted clearly on the “Trending Data” wall in my classroom. After each module test, I post the percent of students that showed proficiency. We use this data to determine where we will go next with our learning and what learning targets we will revisit in the future."

7th Grade

Current learning requirement is highlighted using a transparent sheet. Crowns used to indicate past learning requirements.

Step 2: Classroom Learning Goal

7th Grade

Clear goal is set and available for students to access in the classroom.

Step 3: Chart and analyze Results

Goal Progress

"How are you doing in an effort to meet your STAR goal? How are we helping one another to be successful and make progress?"

Step 4: Mission Statement

7th Grade

Mission statement is presented for the class to see. Students added their buy in.

6th Grade

Mission statement for each class is signed with a picture and a place for "Mission Shout-Outs" to increase student engagement in the mission.

Steps 5-8: PDSA

"We use our PDSA board to set and track our module learning goal based on the essential learning requirements. In the DO section, students discuss and decide on the strategies the class will use to learn and practice in order to achieve our goal - focusing on what learners will do and what I, as the teacher, will do to best support their learning. In the STUDY section, we track our progress after the module assessment. Students color the boxes to show that they have met our goal and to take ownership of their learning. In the ACT section, we discuss our results and what strategies were best for learning and prepare ourselves for the next module."

PDSA Cycle

"We use our PDSA cycle on a regular basis to track our progress through meeting our goals. In the STUDY section, each box is checked off as students show proficiency in the learning target. We formally discuss our cycle every 2 weeks and make plans for our next cycle. Student are actively involved and help lead the conversations around the PDSA board."

Strategy Bank

Both teacher and learner strategies presented.

8th Grade

"We use our PDSA board to set and track our module learning goal. In the PLAN section, we set a goal based on the essential learning requirements. In the DO section, students discuss and decide on the strategies the class will use to learn and practice in order to achieve our goal. In the STUDY section, we track our progress after the module assessment. In the ACT section, we discuss our results, compare them from previous modules and prepare ourselves for the next module. "

7th Grade

PDSA Cycle, goal is highlighted in the plan. Suggested strategies are indicated in do.

Strategy Bank

The strategy bank incorporates the Eight Mathematical Practices as tools for students.