Real Time Stats

This section shows real time stats of the wind. 

there are two graphs one for the wind direction / speed relationship

The graph underneath shows the wind intensity


Mean of last - every

If you set the average of the last to '30' minutes and the frequency to '5' minutes, the graph will display a series of points, each representing the average over a 5-minute interval. The entirety of the graph will cover the last 30 minutes of data. So you will have six data points, each showing the mean of 5 minutes, covering a total span of 30 minutes. This way, you can observe the changes and trends in the data over that half-hour period. 


You have the option to enable the 'Smooth' feature. This applies a window filtering technique to the data, using half of the specified X values both in the past and in the future for each data point. This smoothing process can help to reduce noise and create a clearer trend in the data, especially when there are many data points or the data is collected at high frequencies. Use this feature as needed to enhance clarity in your visualizations. 

Graph wind angles

You also have the option to adjust the range of the graph by defining the graph angles. This will effectively narrow the X-axis, enabling a more detailed view within a specific range of wind direction values. 

Number tables

This feature displays a concise table, similar to the one in the wind condition section, summarizing the mean, minimum, and maximum values for each measured parameter. This quick-reference table allows you to assess key statistics at a glance. 

Show Wind Colors Over Direction

This feature incorporates a color-coded system to represent wind intensity. It uses a green and red button system where the color displayed depends on the wind's intensity compared to the mean. If the wind intensity exceeds the mean by a certain variation factor, a green button will be shown. Conversely, if the wind intensity falls below this mean, a red button will be displayed. In some cases, this can help establish a correlation between wind direction and speed changes.

Show Wind Colors Over Speed

This function operates similarly to the previous option but focuses on the True Wind Direction (TWD). A green color is displayed when the TWD deviates from the average TWD by a certain variation factor. If the deviation is towards port, a red button will be displayed, and if the deviation is towards starboard, a green button will be shown. This can help visualize changes in the wind's direction relative to its speed.