Tues Feb 11th 2025 - SL Championships
Wed Feb 12th 2025 - GS Championships
Wed Feb 19th 2025 - Don Armstrong Race (Novice Race)
ALPINE OFSAA FORMS: https://www.ofsaa.on.ca/alpine-skiing/coaches/banquet-information
Racer Levels
High School (former Level 1) - Participants are school trained athletes. They have No ski league affiliation race training, beyond the Nancy Greene level or the U-12 category.
Open (former Level 2)- Participants are those skiers who have ski league affiliation race training beyond the U-12 category.
Championship Information and Forms
Lists dates, times, locations and prices for events
Coaches "things to do" checklist
Coaching information
Lists information useful in coaching
Entry Form
Entries need to be entered by Friday, February 7, 2020
All questions about entries to be directed to John Melville
NCSSAA Championship ENTRY FORM click this link to enter form
Don Armstrong Championship Entry form - attached to NCSSAA entry
Eligibility Form
Online registration of all students before races done on OFSAA website
Click on OFSAA Login on bottom right of OFSAA home page
AELS get password and login from athletic director at each school
Practice Form
All athletes must have a minimum of 8 practices including at least 1 on snow
A full day of training may count as two practice sessions as long as there are two distinct training sessions where athletes ski as a group under the direction of the school coach
Form needs to be signed and handed in at race registration
Dryland training should be done
Racer Profile Form
One must be completed by each athlete
Forms must be handed in at race registration
OPHEA Safety guidelines - Very important. Please read all, but especially supervision requirements.
Media Form
Needed if photographs are taken at the races
Only need names of athletes who do not want to be photographed
Outside Coaches and Under 22 years of age forms
Required by all non-teacher coaches and coaches under the age of 22
Must be sent to Cheryl Hyndman, NCSSAA Athletics
Gender Eligibility
If a sport activity is not available for a female on a girls’ team, she is eligible to participate on a boys’ team following a successful try out
Where a sport activity is available for a female on a girls’ team, she is eligible to participate on a boys’ team if she demonstrates comparable skill and ability during a successful try out
Female athletes may play on their school’s boys’ or girls’ team (not both) in one school year
If a sport activity does not exist for a boy, he is not eligible to participate on a girls’ team
Clothing bylaw will be enforced
All competitors are expected to dress in clothing that is safe, neat, clean and which maintains the integrity of the school's/Association's name, colours and logos. No sport club insignia on clothing shall be permitted. A sport club is defined as a community, provincially or nationally based organization whose primary purpose is participation in organized competition in single or multi sport programs. Sponsorship recognition is permitted to be visible but must conform with the placement guidelines outlined in By-Law 6, Section 2 (h). This criteria must be met both on and in the immediate vicinity of the competitive area and during the awards ceremonies.
OSBIE rules regarding helmet use for both athletes and teacher/coaches and all volunteers
All athletes must have hard shell over the ears helmet during training and racing and coaches/ volunteers/gate judges must wear snow sport helmets when on the hill
The memo below was sent to all principals :
With respect to winter sports activities on field trips or play days, principals are advised that it is mandatory that all students, staff and volunteers wear a properly fitting snow sport helmet during these activities. The activities include, but are not limited to, alpine skiing, snowboarding, snowblading, skating and any other activity that takes place on an ice surface. In addition, any other requirements of the revised OPHEA Guidelines pertaining to these activities must be followed.
The OSBIE Guidelines state: Effective September 2009, all participants must wear an appropriate snow sport helmet for school excursions to Ontario Ski Resorts Association (OSRA) member facilities. OSBI recommends that schools adopt a mandatory snow sport helmet use policy regardless of ski facility.
Race Duties
All coaches must be prepared to work at the championships – we need to ensure that we have proper officials on the hill and that the race course is kept safe
Duty starts before the start of the race and ends after the last racer
Anyone not assigned a job should be helping with course maintenance
Need to cover 2 duties per school
Let Jane know if you have a preference otherwise you will be assigned a duty
Below is the link to the Alpine Canada Level One manual
FIS Rulebook
Alpine ICR - July 2019 Web Edition
Officials Information
Gate Judges
Each school should bring at least two gatejudges
Gatejudges must wear helmet while on the hill
Need to be informed of rules to know required by a gate judge before coming to the race
See Rules for Gatejudges on Navigator
Link to slides about gatejudging
How to tune your skis by Peter Kunstadt
24 racer entries to 2020 races to be held at Osler Bluff Ski Club in Collingwood - 1 Open Girls teams, 1 Open Boys teams, 1 High School Girls team and 1 High School Boys team and top finisher in each level who is not part of a qualifying team (Individual)
February 24 and February 25, 2020. The NCSSAA Athletes will travel to Collingwood on Sunday, Feb 23rd.
Please follow the following clothing policy. This will be enforced again this year.
"All competitors are expected to dress in clothing that is safe, neat, clean and which maintains the integrity of the school’s/ association name, colours and logos. No sport club insignia on clothing shall be permitted while racing. A sport club is defined as a community, provincially or nationally based organization whose primary purpose is participation in organized competition in single or multi-sport programs. No national, provincial or club downhill suits or jackets/pants will be permitted. Wearing a video device (i.e. go pro or similar)on the helmet is not permitted.
Please no jeans at the banquet
Coaches checklist
The things you need to do and bring to the event
NCSSAA Information
available at http://www.fatdog.ca under administartive documents
Any questions call the convenors!! Contact information in the Sidebar on the left.