Crystal Rosbrook -

Jaclyn Cañas -

Janice Beaver -

Grade 9 Visual Art - AVI10

In this introductory course students will study the core fundamentals of visual art.  Students will take an in depth look at the ELEMENTS OF DESIGN and apply these elements to their studio work.  Students will learn to recognize the elements of design in artworks studied and will use these terms to discuss the art they see and create.  Fundamental drawing and painting skills will be taught.  The skill set acquired in this course will continue to be developed in the grade ten art course.

Units of Study include:

Grade 10 Visual Arts - AVI20

In this introductory course students will continue to  build upon the knowledge and skills gained in the grade 9 visual art course.  This course enables students to develop their skills in producing and presenting art by introducing them to new ideas, materials, and processes for artistic exploration and experimentation. Students will apply the ELEMENTS and PRINCIPLES OF DESIGN when exploring the creative process. Students will use the critical analysis process to reflect on and interpret art within a personal, contemporary, and historical context.

Prerequisite: None

Grade 11 Visual Arts - AVI3M

This Grade 11, University/College preparation course provides students with opportunities to further develop their skills and knowledge in the visual arts. Students will explore painting and drawing through studio activities that will hone their practical skill set and challenge their critical thinking. Students will analyze works of art and study aspects of art history.

Prerequisite: AVI1O or AVI2O

Grade 12 Visual Arts - AVI4M 

This Grade 12, University/College course is a portfolio building program.  It focuses on enabling students to refine their use of the creative process when creating and presenting two- and three-dimensional art works using a variety of traditional media. Students will use the critical analysis process to deconstruct art works and explore connections between art and society. The studio program enables students to explore a range of materials, processes, and techniques that can be applied in their own art production. Students will also make connections between various works of art in personal, contemporary, historical, and cultural contexts.

Prerequisite: AVI3M

Student Work