CB Guidance

Our Guidance Team

Ms. Waddell
Guidance Counsellor
(Surnames A - G)

Mr. Parke
Guidance Counsellor
(Surnames: H - O)

Ms. Nakashoji
Guidance Counsellor & Department Head
(Surnames: P - Z)

Ms. Stankeviciene
Guidance Administrator

*** Please note: If you are a parent looking to book an appointment with your child's Guidance Counsellor, please email the Counsellor directly ***


Colonel By is one of two OCDSB secondary sites that offers the International Baccalaureate (IB) curriculum to its students. Our IB Coordinators manage all aspects of the IB Diploma Program (including the application and admission process for prospective grade 8 and 9 students) and can be found in the IB Office (room 133) when they aren't out of the building or teaching classes.

Mr. Harthun
Lead IB Coordinator
email: lewis.harthun@ocdsb.ca

Ms. Lee
IB Coordinator & CAS Advisor
email: jennifer.lee@ocdsb.ca

Student Success & the SST Room

A Student Success Teacher (SST) works with students who need academic support and supervises the SST Room (room 232) where students can get help completing missing coursework. SSTs communicate with teachers and families about the evolving needs of students in exceptional circumstances or those facing academic barriers in order to find a pathway to success. Our Breakfast Program also runs out of room 232 and is available for student to access from 8:45-9:15 am daily.

Ms. Jefferies
Student Success Teacher (SST)
email: kristin.jefferies@ocdsb.ca

Learning Support, IEPs & the Opportunity Room (OR)

A Learning Support Teacher (LST) maintains IEPs (Individualized Education Plans) and works with Teachers to provide accommodations to students based on their documented needs. You'll find Mr. Chapman in the Opportunity Room (room 234) where he and Ms. G, CB's dedicated Educational Assistant (EA), support learners of all ability levels.

Mr. Chapman
Learning Support Teacher (LST)
email: paul.chapman@ocdsb.ca

Ms. G
Educational Assistant (EA)
email: maria.gumargalieva@ocdsb.ca

Co-Op Coordinator

The Co-op Coordinator coordinates community placements for students to earn credits through employment opportunities. The Co-op Coordinator spends much of his time outside of the school, visiting worksites to monitor student progress and maintain relationships with the business owners/managers that enable this excellent program. When in school, the Co-op Coordinator can be found in the Guidance Office.

Mr. Milne
Co-op Coordinator
email: troy.milne@ocdsb.ca

Support Professionals

Students and families are sometimes referred to our dedicated team of in-school professionals when difficult circumstances arise that make school or life in general difficult to manage. These professionals float between schools within the OCDSB and are available only through a coordinated, school-based referral process as a stop-gap measure until outside supports are implemented. If you believe access to someone below could be beneficial, please get in touch with your Guidance Counsellor.

Youth Worker

Psycho-Educational Consultant

Social Worker

Addictions Counsellor

Other Support Initiatives

Not all members of our community are able to access the necessary resources to support their families. If you feel that you or someone else attending Colonel By could benefit from support regarding finances, transportation, food security, etc. please contact the appropriate Guidance Counsellor and we'll see what we can do to help.