TR Physical Education

Converse,shoe,orange,purple,laces - free image from

Mrs. Iles and Mr. Schiereck

Take the Jumping Jack Bottle Flip Challenge!

  1. Click on the image to the right

  2. Click "Log in with Google" Use your google account like this: your and your password.

  3. Watch Mr. Schiereck's video

  4. Click the Green PLUS sign and make your own video

Home Activity for all grades!

  1. Print the physical activity log every two weeks. If you can not print record your activity on a sheet of paper.

  2. Do 20 minutes of some physical activity each day. Ex. Ride a bike, walk, hike, inside jumping jacks or see websites below for ideas.

  3. Record your activity on the log each day.


Click below for links to fun physical activities to try at home!

Fun Movement Activities Week 1:

Fun Movement Activities Week 2:

Fun Movement Activities Week 3:

Fun Movement Activities Week 4:

Fun Movement Activities Week 5:

Fun Movement Activities Week 6:

Fun Movement Activities Week 7:

Fun Movement Activities Week 8: May the 4th be with you week!

Fun Movement Activities Week 9:

Fun Movement Activities Week 10:

Fun Movement Activities Week 11:

Fun Movement Activities Week 12:

Fun Movement Activities Week 13:

Week 14: Check out these fun videos!