Season 7

The Season 7 live webinars have all been recorded, and are available for viewing in the OAME Members Only area at .  If you have any questions,  please send them to

Talk 66: Math Without Worksheets

Kelly Cullen

Show notes:

Description: Picture walking into your classroom and the room abuzz with chatter about the lesson. Students throughout the room are using materials to make physical and meaningful connections to math concepts. During this workshop, we will explore implementing rich math tasks into the classroom without the need for a worksheet. We’ll learn how to document student thinking through oral conversations and observations and discover tools to enrich mathematical understanding.

Podcast:  Listen above, or subscribe or download this podcast direct from iTunes or Google Play

Podcast Notes: Recorded Nov 2024. Kelly is a mathematics instruction and assessment facilitator with the Simco County DSB. She Tweets at @LiveLoveMath314.

Talk 65: Cancelled: Using Slow Reveal Graphs to Empower K-12 Students

Jenna Laib

Show notes:

Description: Due to some issues that arose (see our statement here), and so based on these issues, for Jenna's safety, the podcast and webinar will not be running this month as scheduled. 

Talk 64: Sensemaking routines in coding class

Mike Deutsch

Show notes:

Description: Some of our favourite math instructional routines also work beautifully for teaching coding! They generate talk and create space for seeing and thinking differently—a perfect way to explore and consolidate concepts, skills, and project builds. Get a taste of sensemaking routines adapted for teaching elementary & middle-grade coding. No coding experience is assumed. Bring these routines back to your classroom, or a colleague’s, and help make code truly graspable & accessible, just like math.

Podcast:  Listen above, or subscribe or download this podcast direct from iTunes or Google Play

Podcast Notes: Recorded in September 2024. Mike is an independant consultant at He Tweets at @mdeutschmtl 

Talk 63: Coding in the Classroom

Derek Tangredi

Show notes:

Description: This is the latest companion podcast to the new Coding in the Classroom column of the OAME Gazette. This month it's Derek Tangredi. It’s produced by Iain Brodie and Beyza Sezer and this month they interview Derek Tangredi. OAME members can see the full column in the Sept. 2024 issue of the Gazette

Podcast:  Listen above, or subscribe or download this podcast direct from iTunes or Google Play

Podcast Notes: Recorded Summer 2024. Iain has been an elementary school educator for 28 years, and is now into a second career, teaching in-service and preservice teachers. He teaches face-to-face at Ontario Tech University and virtually at Western University. He Tweets at @IainBro. Beyza is a former teacher and long-term researcher. She is currently a graduate student in education at Western University, and her research focus is the integration of computational thinking into mathematics education. Both are editors of the Math+Code ‘Zine. Derek is the K-8 Mathematics Learning Coordinator at TVDSB and Tweets at @dtangred

Talk 62: ChatOAME: AI from an Ontario Perspective

Cal Armstrong

Show notes:

Description: ChatGPT is a general-purpose artificial intelligence - that doesn't work for a community that is focused on math education, but more particularly, on Ontario-designed (and often world-leading) curricula, pedagogy and assessment. This session will showcase the ChatGPT that has been designed for Ontario math educators, but will work for any ChatGPT service. We'll also encounter errors (and how we've built it to minimize them) and the persistent issue of bias. Come play with ChatOAME!

Podcast:  Listen above, or subscribe or download this podcast direct from iTunes or Google Play

Podcast Notes: Recorded Summer 2024. Cal teaches in Burlington and Tweets at @sig225.

Coming soon - Talk 67: Enacting Equity in Mathematics Classrooms

Lisa Lunney Borden

Show notes:

Description: This session will involve exploring a multi-faceted approach to enacting greater equity in mathematics classrooms. By examining key concepts related to expectations, Elder knowledge, ethics, and epistemology, we will consider what these ideas look like when enacted in mathematics classrooms. Examples will draw from K to 12 classrooms allowing all participants to find ideas they can take back to their own classroom. We will work with numerous hands-on activities that have been developed in partnership with Indigenous and Black communities.

Podcast:  Listen above, or subscribe or download this podcast direct from iTunes or Google Play

Podcast Notes: