Welcome Message from our Head of College

Dear Chukka Festival Participants and Supporters,

On behalf of Oakhill College, welcome.

As we strive to regain a sense of normality amid the Covid pandemic, we are thrilled to be able to stage our Chukka Festival again this year. We welcome you all to this unique water polo event where teams can meet, compete and enjoy the waters of our Waterfront area. Teams have come from around the country and we hope that friendships will sprout from the rivalry in the water and interactions on the side of the pool.

This event has grown in popularity since its inception 11 years ago. We are delighted to host returning schools as well as those who are here for the first time and hope that you do enjoy the magic of the unique water polo pool in the waters of the Knysna Estuary. We celebrate the 10th offering of this festival.

The Chukka Festival is so named because it is so much more than a competition, it is an experience. We hope that you have the opportunity to enjoy the beauties of this part of the Garden Route. We encourage you to explore a little where possible. Oakhill staff and students will be happy to tell you a bit about our area and recommend places to visit. Knysna Tourism’s office Is located on the Main Road across the road from the Knysna Mall, should you wish to enquire about the area.

A festival like this one would not be possible without the passion and enthusiasm of all the coaches who have inspired the individuals who make up each team. We thank you all for giving your students this wonderful opportunity to grow, learn and experience this sport in our unique pools.

I would particularly like to thank Luke Crawford, our Director of Sport, as well as the team at Oakhill that has worked closely and tirelessly with him to make this event a reality and a rewarding experience for everyone.

Finally, I encourage each player, coach and spectator to participate in a spirit of true sportsmanship. Play hard and fair. Give your all in each match. Have fun! Make friends. Be humble in victory and dignified in defeat.

At the end of the festival, be able to state that you gave your best at every opportunity.

Yours sincerely,
Sharon Brown

Head of Oakhill College

A Message from our Director of Sport

Dear Participants, Coaches, Managers, Parents and Supporters,

As the newly appointed Head of Sport at Oakhill School, it is a privilege for me to take this opportunity to welcome you all to this year's Oakhill Waterfront Chukka Festival.

The festival, now in its 10th year, has certainly proven to be a standout event on the water polo calendar and looked forward to by water polo players from school's across the country. We believe sport is the perfect vehicle to forge relationships and lasting friendships through healthy competitive camaraderie. I would like to encourage every player to make the most of this wonderful opportunity to develop new networks.

To every player taking part, I leave a simple message for you all: "Play hard, play fair and enjoy your experience".

We look forward to welcoming you all at the up-and-coming 10th annual Oakhill Waterfront Chukka Festivals.

Kind regards,
Luke Crawford
Head of Sport