


Ideation is a creative process where you generate ideas through sessions such as Brainstorming, Sketching, Worst Possible Idea, and a wealth of other ideation techniques.

Before starting to look for ideas, you need a clearly defined problem to tackle – a focused problem statement or point of view (POV) to inspire and guide everyone. “How might we…?”

Ideation is about Finding New Angles and you need to remember that there are no bad ideas. It's not about coming up with the right ideas, it's about generating the broadest range of possibilities.

“How might you create a CHARACTER?”

1. Research Task

  • Spend 5 minutes having a look of what is already existing and what direction you would like to take.

Try searching :

  • Ugly Dolls

  • Monster Plush toys

  • Mr Men & Little Miss

  • Cute Kawaii Characters

  • Emoji Dolls

  • Plush Toys

  • Follow the idea of a book/movie series like Bad Guys, Monsters Inc, Minions etc

  • A robot like theme - search Robotime for ideas using the laser cutter

  • It could be based off your pet animal

  • anything really......

2. Ideation Task

  • On an A4/A3 page you are to sketch a range of ideas for your character design

  • Include design notes explaining a little about your designs and what was influencing them.

  • If you have a theme you might like to include that on the page - in this example the theme was robots.

If you need help getting started just draw shapes. Does it have legs, arms, antenna, headphones, holding an item? Is it influenced by your favourite things like pandas, dinosaurs, flowers, crosses etc

3. Final Idea Task

Grab a new A4/A3 piece, pick a couple of ideas that you like and develop these into your refined character idea.

      1. In the middle draw your final idea

      2. Include design notes about your character and what influenced your decisions.

      3. Render your drawing. Some help on how to do this is below.

Remember this is just to take through to making into a vector graphic. You will more than likely need to adjust your design again when we develop into 3D.


Help with Sketching & Rendering

How to Render - basic