The Project & Design Process



You can create any sort of character. The theme for designing and developing a digital outcome is is up to you but it needs to be your own design.

You will work through the design process to create and idea and take it through to an outcome by adapting your ideas to...

Everyone is going to start at Ideation and creating a Vector Graphic. At this point you are going to develop your design into a 3D version and the end outcome may go in different directions depending on your interests.

00. Robot Toys Project


Design Thinking provides a solution-based approach to solving problems. It is a way of thinking and working as well as a collection of hands-on methods.

The five phases of Design Thinking, according to, are as follows:

  • Empathise – with your users

  • Define – your users’ needs, their problem, and your insights

  • Ideate – by challenging assumptions and creating ideas for innovative solutions

  • Prototype – to start creating solutions

  • Test – solutions

Liberatory Design Thinking Process

It is important to note that the five phases, stages, or modes are not always sequential. They do not have to follow any specific order and can often occur in parallel and repeat iteratively. You should not understand the phases as a hierarchical or step-by-step process. Instead, you should look at it as an overview of the modes or phases that contribute to an innovative project, rather than sequential steps.