Advance New Modes of Teaching, Learning, and Research
Create and enhance service models, collaborations, and partnerships that advance new modes of teaching, learning, and research
NYU’s scholarly community presents myriad challenges for creating responsive research and instructional services. Changes in the aims, methods, and nature of research, teaching, and learning demand that we look for the best ways to support the University in its mission to achieve outstanding research outcomes and ensure student success. The Division of Libraries, in collaboration with its current and future partners, can continuously anticipate, develop, and adapt its service models to meet evolving modes of scholarship and instruction, even as it sustains excellent core services. We can discover and capitalize on complementary skills and expertise throughout the University and create services that align with user needs rather than legacy approaches. The needs of users at diverse locations may differ and our service development will continue to support both global and local excellence. We will strive to ensure that researchers at all levels and in all locations are introduced to and able to take advantage of our resources.
- Shared service models among the Division of Libraries, University IT, and school-based instructional technology teams take advantage of complementary expertise, are aligned with research and instructional goals, and are readily discovered by faculty within shared web and physical spaces.
- Through deep partnerships with faculty, instructional technologists, and instructional support services, we are collaboratively involved in the planning, development, and implementation of instructional services and programs and ensure that students and faculty have the advantage of all available resources.
- Faculty throughout the University easily find and use Libraries’ licensed materials, digital tools, and contextual guidance resources and integrate them into their instruction, including via the University’s learning management systems.
- Our creative and holistic service models support research inquiry in a manner that integrates all venues, staff, and specializations throughout our global libraries.
- Our well-documented and widely-used suites of services, assistance, tools, and methods enable scholars to work directly and easily with digital materials.
- Our services, processes, and policies enable us to readily transform the products of NYU scholars into digital publications and accessible digital collections.
Goal 1: Connect Scholars to Knowledge Resources
Goal 2: Advance New Modes of Teaching, Learning, and Research
Goal 3: Cultivate Diversity and Belonging
Goal 4: Embrace Continuous Problem Solving
Goal 5: Increase User Awareness and Engagement