Summer Research Conference 2020

Watch the Conference


Watch their individual presentations, and read their final proposals.

The Culture, Emotion, and Health Lab (CEH) directed by Dr. William Tsai studies how people regulate their emotions, cope with stress, & how these processes lead to health & well-being. The research questions within the CEH Lab focus on how cultural tendencies & values can shape the development & use of these processes.

The Families and Children Experiencing Success Lab (FACES) is directed by Dr. Anil Chacko. The lab was developed to serve the families of youth exhibiting disruptive behavior disorders such as Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder, Oppositional-Defiant Disorder, and other conduct disorders. Its research aims to understand how to develop the most effective prevention, intervention, and service models for youth with disruptive behavior disorders and related conditions, or those at high risk for developing them.

Dr. Hua-Yu Sebastian Cherng is a sociologist in the Department of Applied Statistics, Social Science, and Humanities (ASH) whose scholarly & community-based work focuses on the social lives of marginalized youth. Dr. Cherng’s research examines the social relationships in the lives of minority & immigrant adolescents in the US, gender & ethnic differences in education in China, and cultural & social capital transfers between adolescents in the US.

The Infant Studies of Language and Neurocognitive Development (ISLAND), directed by Dr. Natalie Brito, is a developmental psychology lab interested in the impact of the social and language environment on early neurocognitive development. The ultimate goal of the lab is to understand how to best support caregivers and create environments that foster optimal child development.


The Liberatory Research & Practice Lab (LRP) led by Dr. Norissa Williams is founded on the principles of multiculturalism, social justice, and liberation psychology and investigates various topics impacting marginalized groups with the aim of decolonizing teaching, research & practice. As such, culturally embedded processes of coping socialization, culturally informed help-seeking behaviors, amelioration of the impact of societal ills on individual functioning & critical consciousness development are explored. All of LRP’s research seeks to inform culturally & structurally competent practice in an effort to improve & increase the capacity of mental health & human service providers to treat people of color & other minoritized groups.

Universal Pre-K (UPK) is an initiative with NYU & NYC Schools Division of Early Childhood Education to foster a research-practice partnership to support the roll-out of universal pre-kindergarten through Pre-K For All improving the quality of its programming. This partnership led by Dr. Elise Cappella aims to provide quantitative & capacity-building solutions to educational problems faced by the DOE-DECE.