Linux Tutorial

Getting a new Account on the NYU HPC clusters

It is expected of everyone to have an NYU HPC Cluster Account. If not follow steps here to apply for a new account.

Getting Started on HPC Greene Cluster

In a Linux cluster, there are hundreds of computing nodes interconnected by high-speed networks. Linux operating system runs on each of the nodes individually. The resources are shared among many users for their technical or scientific computing purposes. 

The process to log into the Greene Cluster:

NYU Campus: From within the NYU network, that is, from an on-campus location, or after you VPN inside NYU's network, you can login to the HPC clusters directly.

Off-campus: The host name of Greene is ''. Logging in to Greene is the two-stage process. The HPC clusters (Greene) are not directly visible to the internet (outside the NYU Network). If you are outside NYU's Network (off-campus) you must first login to a bastion host named

From within the NYU network, that is, from an on-campus location, or after you VPN inside NYU's network, you can login to the HPC clusters directly.  You do not need to login to the bastion host.

           To login into the HPC cluster (Greene), simply use:

           ssh <NYUNetID>

            For access from Windows station using PuTTY, please click here.

    To connect to VPN from Linux/MAC, please click here.

From an off-campus location (outside NYU-NET), logging in to the HPC clusters is a two-step process:

           1)  First login to the bastion host, From a Mac or Linux workstation, this is a simple terminal command (replace my_netid with your NetId). Your password is the same password you use for NYU Home:

                ssh <NYUNetID>

                Windows users will need to use Putty, see here for instructions.

           2) Next login to the cluster. For Greene, this is done with: 

               ssh <NYUNetID>

Available file systems on Greene

Files Systems for usage:

The NYU HPC clusters have multiple file systems for user's files. Each file system is configured differently to serve a different purpose.

Basic Linux Commands

Navigating the directory structure

We've already seen ssh, which takes us from the host we are on to a different host, and hostname, which tells us which host we are on now. Mostly you'll move around filesystems and directories, which resemble inverted tree structures as shown below schematically:

"ls" - To see what files are in the current directory, use "ls" ("list").

If this is your first time using the HPC cluster, "ls" probably won't return anything, because you have no files to list.

There are a couple of useful options for ls:

A command typed at the Unix command prompt, looks something like this:

"pwd" - print working directory, or "where am I now?".

In Unix, filesystems and directories are arranged in a hierarchy. A forward slash "/" is the directory separator, and the topmost directory visible to a host is called "/". Filesystems are also mounted into this directory structure, so you can access everything that is visible on this host by moving around in the directory hierarchy.

You should see something like /home/NetID

"cd" - To change to a different directory, use "cd" ("change directory"). You'll need to give it the path to the directory you wish to change into, eg "cd /scratch/NetID". You can go up one directory with "cd ..".

If you run "cd" with no arguments, you will be returned to your home directory and if you run "cd -", you will be returned to the directory you were in most recently. 

"mkdir" - To create a new location, use "mkdir new_directory_name".
"rmdir" - To remove a directory, use "rmdir new_directory_name".
"man" - Manual page. This command provides more information about a command eg., "man ls"
"cat" - Prints the content of the file eg., "cat filename"

Copying, moving or deleting files locally

Copying: The "cp" command makes a duplicate copy of files and directories within a cluster or machine. The general usage is "cp source destination":

Moving: The "mv" command renames files and directories within a cluster or machine. The general usage is "mv source destination":

Deleting files: The "rm" (remove) command deletes files and optionally directories within a cluster or machine. There is no undelete in Unix. Once it is gone, it is gone.

Text Editor (NANO)

"nano" is a friendly text editor that can be used to edit the content of an existing file or create a new file. Here are some options used in nano editor. For more details for nano Click Here.

Writing Scripts

An entire sequence of commands can be captured in a script for repeated or later execution. This is the mechanism by which batch jobs are run on the HPC clusters. The essential elements of a script are illustrated in the example below:

# the first line should begin with #! and the path to the interpreter under which the script should run
# do stuff as if it were an interactive session:
cd $HOME/some_place
ls -l
# scripts can use loops and conditionals. See 'man bash' for syntax
for f in `ls`; do
  echo "found a file called $f"

There are two ways to run the script:

        1) Give the script execute permission. and run it as a command:     

$ chmod u+x my_script$ ./my_script

    2) Run a shell, and pass the script as an argument

$ bash my_script

Notice in the first example that to run the script, we prefixed it with "./". If the script is not somewhere in the shell's $PATH, it won't find it to run unless its location is explicitly specified. This is even true when the script is in the current directory - in fact for security reasons the current directory is not normally in the $PATH. Therefore, we specify that the script is in the current directory with ./.

Setting execute permission with chmod

In Unix, a file has three basic permissions, each of which can be set for three levels of user. The permissions are:

The three levels of user are:

You grant permissions with "chmod who+what file" and revoke them with "chmod who-what file". (Notice that the first has "+" and the second "-"). Here "who" some combination of "u", "g" and "o" and what is some combination of "r", "w" and "x". So to set execute permission, as in the example above, we use:

$ chmod u+x my_script