Penguin On Demand

General Info

Users of NYU HPC have access to Penguin On Demand (POD) cluster, providing a bare-metal HPC computing environment in the cloud (more information). The cluster provides access to 160 AMD GPUs for NYU researchers, 20 of which are dedicated solely to NYU use.

If interested in using POD, please email with your inquiry.


In 2020, AMD and technology partner Penguin Computing Inc. announced the donation of a petascale supercomputer to NYU as part of the broad effort to combat COVID-19 and future pandemics. AMD also announced it would contribute access to a cloud based system powered by AMD EPYC and AMD Radeon Instinct processors located on-site at Penguin Computing, providing remote super computing capabilities for selected researchers around the world via Penguin On Demand (POD).Â