Animal Assisted Therapy with Dogs as an Occupational Therapy Modality in a Pediatric Setting 

Jessica Gonzales' Doctoral Portfolio

About Me


image description: headshot of Jessica smiling into the camera with white wall in the background

My name is Jessica Gonzales and I am an occupational therapist and post-professional OTD Student at New York University. This portfolio represents my journey in pursuing advanced competency in the area of animal assisted therapy (AAT) with dogs as an occupational therapy (OT) modality in a pediatric setting. 

Tackling a new competence area can be akin to the process of preparing for a solo performance. There are precise steps that need to be completed but it is also an opportunity to pick your own piece and add your creative perspective. 

NOTE: While there are a variety of animals that can be utilized within animal assisted therapy, this portfolio will focus solely on the use of dogs.