Clean Water and Sanitation

The UN Sustainable Development Goal of Clean Water and Sanitation is profoundly relevant to the world due to its multifaceted impact on human health, economic development, and environmental sustainability. Access to clean water and adequate sanitation facilities is essential for preventing waterborne diseases, improving overall health outcomes, and enhancing productivity, particularly in developing regions. Engineers play a pivotal role in addressing this challenge through innovative technologies and infrastructure solutions. Whether it's designing efficient water purification systems, implementing sustainable sanitation practices, or devising strategies for water resource management, engineers are at the forefront of ensuring access to safe water and sanitation for all. Their expertise is critical in devising scalable, cost-effective solutions that can withstand environmental challenges and meet the diverse needs of communities worldwide, ultimately contributing to the achievement of this vital sustainable development goal.

Participating in the NYU GLASS program has profoundly shaped my journey as an engineer, enriching my skill set and perspective in numerous ways. Through its interdisciplinary approach, GLASS has provided me with a comprehensive understanding of engineering principles and their real-world applications. Engaging in collaborative projects with peers from diverse backgrounds has honed my ability to work in multifaceted teams, fostering effective communication and problem-solving skills essential in the engineering field. The program's emphasis on hands-on experiences and experiential learning opportunities has allowed me to apply theoretical knowledge to practical scenarios, deepening my understanding of engineering concepts and methodologies. Moreover, the global focus of GLASS has broadened my worldview, exposing me to diverse cultural perspectives and challenging me to approach engineering challenges with creativity and adaptability. Overall, the NYU GLASS program has not only equipped me with the technical expertise required of an engineer but has also instilled in me a sense of global citizenship and a commitment to leveraging engineering for positive change in society.