Excitement is building as we approach our 2023 conference dates! To help keep you informed, these frequently asked questions have been compiled to provide information and updates as they become available. For any further questions not answered below , please email annualconfreg@nystesol.org.  

Q: Why is NYS TESOL holding the conference in Albany?

We are thrilled to host the NYS TESOL 53rd Annual Conference in our state capital. There are so many reasons this location has been chosen.

Q: How can I register for the conference?

Click here  to register for the 2023 annual conference. Registration begins July 25th and ends October 27th. Our in person days are November 3rd and 4th. Our virtual day is September 30th.  Please contact annulaconfreg@nystesol.org for more information. 

Q: How can I register a group to attend the conference?

Group registrations are allowed for districts registering 5 or more attendees. To request a group registration, please email Treasurer@nystesol.org. You will be sent a link to a registration form where you will need to provide further information for each attendee.

Q: Will I be able to earn CTLE credits for attending the conference?

NYS TESOL members can request  17 CTLE credits for attending our annual conference days. Members can earn up to 5 credits for our virtual day and up to up to 6 credits for each in-person day. A google form link will be posted after the conference to submit your requests.

Q: How can I present at the conference? 

The final nominations for our plenary and keynote speakers have been decided for this year's conference. For future conferences members and guests can submit a proposal, to be reviewed, for the conference. 

Q: How can I apply for, or nominate someone for, an award or grant? 

Click here to access the google form where awards and grants can be accessed. Nominations are currently open and pending! For more information or questions, please email our awards chair awards@nystesol.org 

Q: Will there be parking available at the Hilton Albany? 

NYS TESOL has negotiated with the Hilton Albany to provide free parking to all conference registrations attending on November 3rd and November 4th. The parking garage is located directly underneath the location. 

Q: How can I invite an educational company or organization to represent themselves for exposure and connect with conference attendees?

Click here to register as a sponsor or exhibitor for this year's conference!  Registration ends October 13th. For more details on specific sponsor packages, please visit the sponsor/exhibitor tab on this website. Please contact pres-elect@nystesol.org for more information.