2023 Emerging Technologies Research

How can ChatGPT assist architecture students in researching foreign cultures?  Dongsei Kim, School of Architecture and Design

Developing Motivational Interviewing prompts using ChatGPT. Amerigo Rossi, School of Health Professions

Integrating Mixed Reality Capture and Design Process. Kevin Sung Park, and Nayoung Kim, School of Architecture and Design

Use of NLP models to generate preclinical medical study materials. Jonathan Berman, College of Medicine

SCRIPT Virtual Lab for Student "Community Classroom" Learning. Valerie Oji, College of Medicine

Artificial Intelligence’s impact on the Urban & Architectural Imaginary. Evan Shieh, School of Architecture and Design

Facilitating Student-Led Educational Content for a Chemistry VR Museum/Classroom. Jacqueline Keighron, Kevin Sung Park, & Nicole Calma-Roddin, College of Arts and Sciences