Work Experience

My team member, Alejandra, and I testing soil along the Hudson River with a soil quality kit.

Secondary School Field Research Program (2020-2021)

The Secondary School Field Research Program is a research internship apart of Columbia University that brings high school students, college students, and scientists together. Students and teachers work together to produce research projects, collect data, and expand their knowledge on topics, such as climate change and green living. I participated in this internship during the Summer of 2020 and the Summer of 2021.

Career & Technical Education Industry Scholars Program Workplace Challenge (2021)

In this internship, I gained work-based learning experience by working with professionals in the healthcare field and other high school interns in order to identify the challenges in healthcare and discuss solutions to combat these challenges. As a final project, my team and I analyzed specific challenges that Maasai Widowed Women faced and created social media posts to spread awareness on this issue. I participated in this internship during the Spring of 2021. Click here to view this presentation!

A cluster of Atlantic acorn barnacles and Eastern Oysters.

CTE-Based Research Internship (2020-2022)

As a marine biology student, I choose to conduct my own research on barnacles and oysters in the New York Harbor. While doing this I perform data analysis on water quality in the New York Harbor. I participated in this internship during the Fall of 2021 and the Spring of 2022. Click here to learn more about my research!

Youth Restorative Justice COOP Internship(2021-2022)

I am a part of the Youth Summit Steering Committee and the Communications Team through the COOP Student Aide Internship in YRJ. I have the role of helping plan and promote the YRJ's annual Youth Summit which highlights youth and adult work in restorative justice. In addition, I create social media posts showcasing the work of YRJ student members. I participated in this internship during the Fall of 2021 and the Spring of 2022. Click here to learn more about YRJ!