Heavenly Davis

Greetings, Welcome, Hello!

My name is Heavenly Davis and I am an animal lover, researcher, and cook. Growing up I discovered my love for science which motivated me to attend a maritime-based high school. Throughout my high school career, I was a part of a marine research program where I researched the survivability of the eastern oyster and Atlantic acorn barnacle. According to the Myers-Brigs personality test, I have an ISTJ (Introverted, Observant, Thinking, and Judging) personality. That being said, I am honest and direct and tend to be judgmental to people that go against the simple facts. Some of my strengths are that I am hardworking, a team player, and I do my best to ask questions whenever I do not fully understand the task at hand. Some of my weaknesses are that I struggle to manage my time and find myself losing track of time. To combat this I have created an agenda and schedule with tasks that I need to complete and the amount of time I should complete them. My determination for success has led me to win 2nd place in the Harbor School's Marine Symposium and a full-ride scholarship at the University of Pennsylvania. In college, I will study biology on the pre-vet track. Overall, I aspire to create a better version of myself each and every day and learn from others in the process.

More about me :)

  • I was raised in New York for most of my life, specifically the Bronx.

  • I am the only sister of three brothers.

  • I have 2 dogs named Isis and Osiris.

  • My favorite food is Chicken Alfredo.

  • I enjoy cooking up vegan meals for my family.