Drugs & Alcohol

Copy of Summer Fentanyl Parent_Caregiver Letter for schools.pdf

Information shared by NaturalHigh.org

Understanding the Cycle of Addiction

Stage 1: Experimental Use

Stage 2: Regular Use

Stage 3: Harmful Use

Stage 4: Addiction

Facts for Teens

Opioid Facts for Teens.pdf
Marijuana Facts for Teens.pdf

Warning Signs 

"Many of the signs and symptoms are, at times, typical teen or young adult behavior. Many are also symptoms of mental health issues, including depression or anxiety disorders. If you’ve noticed any of the described changes or behaviors in your child, don’t be afraid to err on the side of caution."

Behavioral Changes

Mood and Personality Changes

Health Issues

School & Work Concerns

At Home & In The Car

Hygiene & Appearance Problems

For Parents/Guardians

Marijuana_Facts Parents Need to Know.pdf
Make a Difference_Talk to your Child about Alcohol.pdf

Additional Resources

Information gathered for educational purposes from National Institute on Drug Abuse