
English 6

Math 6

Science 6

Social Studies 6

Studio Art / Digital Art


English 7

Math 7

Science 7

Social Studies 7

PE / Music


English 8

Math 8

Science 8

Social Studies 8

Exploring Business / Health Science

Middle School Survival Tips

1. Attend class prepared every day.
2.     Keep all your school work and materials organized.
3. Be willing to work hard and try your best. 
4. Ask questions when you do not understand.
5. Don't be afraid of challenges.
6. Do your homework.
7. Do not let projects go until the last minute.. make a plan and follow it!
8. Be responsible to complete any work you missed when you are absent.
9. Be respectful to yourself, your classmates, and your teachers.
10.   Keep a positive attitude.  Every day is a new day!