
Why Beach Volleyball?

Beach volleyball is a great compliment to indoor volleyball training. The sport is very similar, and the training on the sand will help your athlete develop speed, quickness, jumping ability, and stamina. All good qualities of a strong volleyball athlete. It can help indoor athletes increase their confidence and control in regular indoor settings. Plus, beach is just fun! But you don't have to be involved with an LYV indoor team to play with LYV Beach. You can register for LYV Beach on its own.

Do I have to try out?

That depends on how you join the program. If you are joining as a free agent, or individual athlete, you will need to register for an assessment. Just like the indoor LYV teams, it is important to assess all athletes to ensure that they are playing with other athletes of similar skill and experience levels. Even if you are totally new to volleyball, we can place you on a team - once we know your skill level. If you have 4 to 8 friends that are interested in playing on the same team, you can register as a team. If you register as a complete team, you will not need to be assessed. You can find both registration options here. If you are registering an individual athlete, select the "my child" option. If you are registering a team, select the "myself as a representative" option.

Do I need a coach?

Galaxy Beach follows a different format than the indoor teams. While we assess individual athletes and place them on appropriate teams, there is not a coach that works with each team. Teams will have a clinic to review the rules and skills of the game, the remainder of the season is game play. HS teams will play on Friday nights, and MS teams will play on Sundays. If you register as a team, you will have to have an adult representative with your team at the facility. This adult must complete a background check as well as Safe Sport training.

How do the games work?

Teams will be scheduled to play a game (45-60 minutes) each week. The game style will be 4v4 with all athletes on a roster getting court time. Your team will know in advance when to come to the facility to play their game. HS teams will play on Friday nights anywhere from 5:00pm to 10:00pm. MS teams will play on Sundays anywhere from 9:00am to 2:00pm.

Need some help?

We are here to help with any questions you may have along the way. Please use the form below to contact us and one of our team members will get right back to you.