Board of Directors

Meet NVNTRAK's Board of Directors! This stalwart group, with the support of the membership, directs the club's activities, ensuring that all of the "i"s are dotted and "t"s crossed so that NVNTRAK can do what it does best - RunniN' TraiNs!

2024 Board of Directors

President: Pete Jouannet (

Treasurer: Leo Bicknell (

Secretary: Bob Yetter (


Michael Rathje ( - NTRAK

Matt Guey-Lee ( - T-TRAK

Directors at Large:

John Drye (

Mike Zazzero (

Elected January 14, 2024

Additional Contacts

Ombudsman: Cotton Bowen (

Call Board Editor: Mark Bowman (

Company Store: Greg Lindsey (

Haberdasher: Pete Jouannet (

Technical Support: Randall Wood (