Please feel free to contact us.  We can  be reached through the school office by message @ 799-8090 or 

via email at

We would love to hear from you!

Welcome from the Smalley PTO!

CLICK HERE if you are interested in joining the Smalley PTO.

All general PTO meetings are held in the Smalley multipurpose room. 

PTO Meeting Dates

September 12th at 5:30pm

October 17th at 9:15am

November 14th at 5:30pm

February 13th at 9:15am

March 19th at 5:30pm

April 16th at 5:30pm

Follow us on social media: 


All PTO Board members and Chair positions are unpaid volunteers.

2023-2024 Board Members

President - Beth Stanton

Vice President - Kirsten Arthur

Secretary - Amy Taylor

Treasurer - Susie Petty

Additional positions:

Historian:  Karina Okashige

Yearbook Chair:  Courtney Hafen

Yearbook Chair:  Megan Warren

Swag Chair:  Cyndie Ling

Membership Chair:  Vanessa Muhammad

Social Media Chair:  Brooke Gehl

Appreciation Chair:  Susie Petty

Family Fun Chair:  Isabel Blackburn

Read Week Chair:  Sarah Wing

Fundraiser Chair:  Kirsten Arthur

Fundraiser Chair:  Megan Guzman

Harvest Chair:  Susie Petty

Harvest Chair:  Beth Stanton

Holiday Market Chair:  Samantha Vickers

Holiday Market Chair:  Andrea Myers

Holiday Market Chair: Beth Stanton