Teachers, Principals, and Staff Priority Area

Highly Effective Teachers, Leaders, and Staff

For each priority area in Focus: 2024 Clark County School District's Five-Year Strategic Plan, major strategies have been identified to ensure the District meets specific five-year objectives.

Below are the objectives, measures, targets, and strategies for the Teachers, Principals, and Staff priority area.

Teachers, Principals, and Staff Priority Area 1: Ensure all students have access to highly effective teachers, administrators, and school staff

The nationwide teacher shortage has had a significant impact on the ability of the Clark County School District to recruit and retain highly effective diverse teachers, support professionals, leaders, and executives who recognize and support diverse learners. We also recognize that the most important indicator of student success is having a highly effective teacher in every classroom. Over the past four years an average of 97 percent of classroom vacancies have been filled, leaving hundreds of classrooms without an effective licensed teacher.  We have a critical labor shortage in the support professional positions of Bus Driver, Specialized Program Teaching Assistant, Heat Ventilation and Air Conditioning.  This shortage impacts individual student performance and districtwide student achievement.


Recruit Qualified Teachers, Principals, and Staff

Improve Teacher Retention and Attendance

Reduce the Effects of School Staff Absences on Schools and Students

Develop, Recognize, and Support Teachers, Principals, and Staff


* Additional funding must be sought to implement these strategies.

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