Teachers, Principals, and Staff Priority Area
Highly Effective Teachers, Leaders, and Staff
For each priority area in Focus: 2024 Clark County School District's Five-Year Strategic Plan, major strategies have been identified to ensure the District meets specific five-year objectives.
Below are the objectives, measures, targets, and strategies for the Teachers, Principals, and Staff priority area.
Teachers, Principals, and Staff Priority Area 1: Ensure all students have access to highly effective teachers, administrators, and school staff
The nationwide teacher shortage has had a significant impact on the ability of the Clark County School District to recruit and retain highly effective diverse teachers, support professionals, leaders, and executives who recognize and support diverse learners. We also recognize that the most important indicator of student success is having a highly effective teacher in every classroom. Over the past four years an average of 97 percent of classroom vacancies have been filled, leaving hundreds of classrooms without an effective licensed teacher. We have a critical labor shortage in the support professional positions of Bus Driver, Specialized Program Teaching Assistant, Heat Ventilation and Air Conditioning. This shortage impacts individual student performance and districtwide student achievement.
Recruit Qualified Teachers, Principals, and Staff
Implement a targeted recruitment plan focused on licensed employees who would benefit from the District compensation package and cost of living.
Recruit through Spanish, Latino, and African American student associations.
Recruit through Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCU) and Hispanic Serving Institutions (HSI).
Implement a pilot recruitment program at eight identified middle schools to incentivize teacher recruitment and retention.
Implement a targeted recruitment plan focused on qualified applicants for the Critical Labor Shortage pool.
Increase the number of TEACH Nevada Academies in our comprehensive high schools.
Develop or recreate a CCSD brand to facilitate effective recruitment and retention.
Create opportunities for principals to collaborate with Human Resources to offer more early contracts of employment.
Build relationships with student teachers to ensure a 100 percent hire rate.
Revitalize relationships with College of Southern Nevada, University of Nevada Las Vegas, University of Nevada Reno, and Nevada State College.
Complete implementation of the District’s new Human Capital Management (HCM) System.
Decrease the employment application processing time.
Work with the Nevada Department of Education to make license endorsements more accessible.
Improve Teacher Retention and Attendance
Collaborate with principals to provide professional development to increase teacher retention, reduce teacher transiency, and increase teacher attendance.
Create opportunities for principals to collaborate with Human Resources to offer more early contracts of employment.
Examine sick leave and vacation allotment, use, and misuse, as well as incentives for attendance of school-based licensed and support staff.
Revise onboarding processes to reflect expected levels and aspects of professionalism for new teachers.
Reduce the Effects of School Staff Absences on Schools and Students
Cross-train employees to provide support in the absence of colleagues.
Provide professional learning for employees serving as substitute teachers and administrators.
Develop, Recognize, and Support Teachers, Principals, and Staff
Carry out a multi-unit effort to work with principals and employee associations to develop methods to meaningfully recognize employees throughout the District, including support professionals, teachers, and administrators:
Identify areas where recognition is needed most urgently, such as hard-to-fill positions.
Identify criteria for recognition (areas such as stellar customer service, perfect attendance, high achievement in job performance, innovative ideas, teacher/principal/support professional of the year, etc.).
Continue the Superintendent’s Honor Roll for principals and teachers.
Provide tools to principals to more easily engage with and recognize staff, such as a revamped RAVE review program to recognize quality customer service.
Identify additional outside partners to provide employee incentives and recognition for employees who excel.
Develop and implement the Professional Learning Leadership Pipeline for Instructional Educators to enhance teaching and learning,* to include:
Analysis of the curriculum to understand the intent and the rigor of the NVACS.
Content knowledge in core-content areas.
High-quality, standards-based instruction aligned to the NVACS and NEPF.
Data-driven, decision-making processes, including professional learning communities and the development and integration of the School Performance Plan.
Coaching cycle, including pre-observation conferences, observations, and post-observation conferences.
Multi-Tiered System of Support to promote students’ success in both academics and behavior.
Equitable integrated student supports, inclusive practices, and differentiated instruction.
Cultural competency to promote safe, inclusive, and respectful learning environments for all students.
Develop and implement career pathways for support professionals.
Identify gaps between teacher and principal evaluation data and student achievement data at all schools.
Develop and implement professional learning related to teacher and principal evaluation.
* Additional funding must be sought to implement these strategies.