Parent and Community Support Priority Area

External Resources and Partners - Internal Resources and Partners - Perception and Trust

For each priority area in Focus: 2024 Clark County School District's Five-Year Strategic Plan, major strategies have been identified to ensure the District meets specific five-year objectives.

Below are the objectives, measures, targets, and strategies for the Parent and Community Support priority area.

Parent and Community Support Priority Area 1: Leverage internal resources to help parents/guardians support student achievement and attendance

The 2017-18 districtwide survey found there is progress to be made in ensuring parents perceive the District to be transparent and open. The Family and Community Engagement Services (FACES) department is repurposing resources to educate and engage parents “on the go” so they can support their child’s education and ensure they attend school regularly.


Parent and Community Support Priority Area 2: Secure strategic external resources and community partners

The Clark County School District has the lowest expenditure per student of all of the 74 urban school districts in the Council of the Great City Schools -- $8,964 in CCSD compared to the adjusted median of $13,730 of the other major urban school districts in the nation. In the meantime, the percentage of our students receiving free and reduced lunch has increased from 42 percent in 2008 to 67 percent in 2017, increasing by nearly 25 percent. Our students are increasingly facing challenges outside of school. We must partner with our community to provide additional supports and resources to meet the needs of our students, to enable them to meet their full academic potential. Community partnerships will focus on two areas: increasing academic achievement and decreasing chronic absenteeism, which are two key areas of focus in this strategic plan.


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