Student Success Priority Areas

Achievement in Core Content Areas - Achievement Gaps - Access and Equity - Safety and Engagement

For each priority area in Focus: 2024 Clark County School District's Five-Year Strategic Plan, major strategies have been identified to ensure the District meets specific five-year objectives.

Below are the objectives, measures, targets, and strategies for each of the Student Success priority areas.

Student Success Priority Area 1: Increase student achievement in English language arts, mathematics, and science

Student success is our focus. 

Currently, the majority of CCSD students are not considered proficient in English language arts (ELA), mathematics, and science—the core academic subjects that are necessary for a strong educational foundation. We must focus on core instruction as we work hard to ensure our young people graduate on time, prepared for the future. 

We will do this by investing in our people. 

Our people are our most significant resource. Meeting our ambitious student achievement goals requires our educators have the tools, resources, and training to meet the needs of all students. CCSD will make significant investments to ensure all educators are well-trained and equipped to provide high-quality standards-based instruction in every classroom. We will also provide expanded enrichment offerings to inspire and motivate our students.

In order to increase student achievement in English language arts, mathematics, and science, we will seek to achieve the following targets. Annual targets based on the Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium (SBAC), Criterion-Referenced Test (CRT), and the ACT test are included in the appendix and sample strategies are listed below.


Provide high-quality, standards-based Tier I instruction for all students aligned to the Nevada Academic Content Standards, support educators to improve their core instructional practice, and provide opportunities for all students to explore their strengths. 

Strengthen Instructional Core 

Develop and Support Teachers, Principals, and Staff

Expand Opportunities for All Students 

* Additional funding must be sought to implement these strategies.

Student Success Priority Area 2: Decrease student proficiency gaps in English language arts, mathematics, and science

We must accelerate the outcomes for all students. To ensure that students who are significantly behind show a faster rate of improvement, specific strategies must be developed to address these needs.


In addition to the strategies listed in Student Success Priority 1, we will implement the following to decrease student proficiency gaps in English language arts, mathematics, and science:

Focus attention on students and schools with higher needs

* Additional funding must be sought to implement these strategies.

Student Success Priority Area 3: Increase access and equity to rigorous curriculum and instruction for all students

All students deserve access to accelerated courses of study and enrichment opportunities that prepare them for the future. Many students have the ability to succeed in demanding courses but do not get the opportunity.

CCSD is committed to providing more classes that align to students’ goals and interests and will work diligently to increase participation in Advanced Placement, International Baccalaureate, and career and technical education programs, prioritizing representation from all student subgroups. CCSD will also strengthen partnerships with higher education institutions and business leaders to focus on apprenticeships and career and technical education programs that align with community job needs. 

Educators will receive training and support to ensure learning environments and instructional approaches are inclusive. We will also ensure educators have the resources to identify students for these courses and can support them to succeed. 

In order to increase access and equity to rigorous curriculum and instruction for all students, we will seek to achieve the following targets. Annual targets are included in the appendix and sample strategies are listed below.


Develop and Support Teachers, Principals, and Staff

Expand Opportunities for All Students 

* Additional funding must be sought to implement these strategies. 

Student Success Priority Area 4: Ensure students and staff are safe and students are engaged at school

Students must regularly attend school to benefit from their educational experience. CCSD strives to provide a safe and engaging learning environment where students can thrive but we recognize we are not doing enough. School safety and behavioral supports must both be addressed. 

In 2017–2018 the districtwide chronic absenteeism rate for students in Grades K–12 was 20.7 percent and significant gaps exist between student subgroups. Additionally, both suspension and expulsion rates are cause for concern and disproportionality exists in the rate of suspensions and expulsions among student subgroups, particularly for Black/African American students. 

We strive to treat all students fairly and provide them with early interventions that will ultimately reduce time spent out of the classroom. We will ensure our schools are safe places and our classrooms are more inclusive and productive, so that we can empower students to work hard and stay on the right track. We will also call on community partners who can uniquely provide the wraparound supports our students need.  

In order to ensure students and staff feel safe and engaged at school, we will seek to achieve the following targets. Annual targets are included in the appendix and list of sample strategies are listed below.


Develop and Support Teachers, Principals, and Staff

Implement Recommendations Developed through the Safety Advisory Committee*

Expand Opportunities and Supports for All Students

* Additional funding must be sought to implement these strategies. 

Explore our Priorities:

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