The Clark County School District's Board of School Trustees understands attendance boundary changes can be difficult for families and communities. To ensure their concerns are heard, the Board established the Attendance Zone Advisory Commission. The members of the AZAC are volunteers, parents and concerned citizens appointed by the Board of School Trustees and the Superintendent.


AZAC members review attendance boundaries for all schools in Clark County each year and recommend changes to the Superintendent of Schools and the Board of School Trustees. This process begins in August and ends no later than March. While most attendance zone boundaries remain the same, some may be adjusted when an attendance zone is established for a new school or to relieve overcrowded conditions at an existing school.

The roles and responsibilities of the AZAC representative is to represent the trustee district from which they are appointed; however, they must be familiar with and make decisions on the entire district.

AZAC addresses zoning priorities provided by staff, as well as meets timelines set by the district. The AZAC follows relevant district policies, regulations, procedures, and guidelines.


Bylaws of the Attendance Zone Advisory Commission

School Attendance Zone Assignment Exceptions, Zone Variance,

Board-Approved Option, Transfer, and Magnet School Assignment

District Attendance Zoning

District Attendance Zoning

School Facility Replacement

Converting Elementary Schools To and From

Year-Round Calendars and Flexible Double Sessions

Nevada Open Meeting Law Manual, 12th ed., 2019


Calendars & Schedules 

Membership - AZAC and Demographics, Zoning, and GIS


The Attendance Zone Advisory Commission (AZAC) may recommend grandfathering secondary (middle or high schools) attendance boundary changes, allowing currently enrolled students to remain at their school. Incoming 6th-grade or 9th-grade students and all new students residing in the area would be reassigned.

An option is available to the grandfathered students should they wish to attend the newly assigned school. Transportation may be provided where eligible.


In November 1966 the (CCSD) Board of Trustees set the guidelines for controlled school zoning: 

June 14, 1994, the Board of School Trustees established the Attendance Zone Advisory Commission (AZAC).

May 23, 1995, the Board of School Trustees reconfirmed the continued use of controlled zoning, incorporating corridors and noncontiguous zoning to: