Your nutrition plan

nutrition intro

Your Better YOU nutrition plan is not a diet.  In fact, it's an ANTI-diet plan.  Which means you will not be miserable, hungry and give up the foods you love.

With the Better YOU, you'll learn to be consistently good vs. occasionally perfect.   Being consistent long term is much better than trying to be perfect short term.   Your goal will be to follow this program with 80-90% of the meals you eat.  Which means if you eat 3 meals a day, or 21 each week, you want to follow your Better YOU plan for 17-19 of the meals.  So, you can have a break or "treat" meals 2-4 times a week!  

The Better YOU nutrition plan is going to make eating healthy easy.  We'll answer the two biggest questions 1) what do I eat?  2) How much do I eat?  

We'll give you the massive time saving meal plan strategies and provide you with tons of preparation suggestions and recipes. 

step 1: what do i eat?

clean eating list

You should try as much as possible to eat these foods in there most natural state, not in processed and packaged forms. This clean eating list does not include every clean food available, but it is a great place to start. If it is not on this list, think real hard about whether the price you pay for eating it will be worth it. Everything we put in our mouth takes us closer to or further away from our goal.

Consistently good is far better than occasionally perfect, so there is no expectation for you to be perfect. Try to keep 80% of the foods you eat to the foods on this list and you will no doubt see success.

In the Amazing Recipes resource you will find recipes and ideas for meals that are all on the Clean Eating list. If you are looking for simple, healthy ideas for meals that follow the Clean Eating list, you will find them in the Amazing Recipes resource. 

step 2: how much do i eat?

portion guide

Everyone has different needs when comes to how much to eat. To help you build real practical skills far beyond this challenge, you can use this portion guide to help you learn and build the skill of knowing how much to eat at each meal with nothing more than your hand. If you want to count calories and measure everything out, go for it. If not, this is a very effective yet practical way to always get your portions right. 

If you are using the Clean Eating list, the portion guide is especially critical to your success. Use it to ensure you are eating the right amount of clean foods. Too much of good foods is still not ideal.

If you are on a structured meal plan, this tool can also help you. Use it to adjust the calorie targets of the plan to meet your individual caloric needs. It will allow you to dial it in when you need just a few more or a few less calories than what the plan provides. 

step 3: plan your meals

7 day dinner/lunch planner

Meal planning is one of the most powerful aspects of your Better YOU program.  By planning your meals you will insure your 80% goal, avoid being unprepared and making poor choices and you will save an estimated 2 hours a week. 

step 4: track your progress


Your goal is to use your CorSync app to track your meals each day with 80% being a healthy thumbs up! 

By simply using the app to take a photo of what you eat, you validate for yourself and your coach you are following the meal plan. The added benefit is that all the research shows that tracking what you eat creates conscientiousness of your choices, improves those choices and helps you see the patterns that are good and those that can be improved. 

Plus, it enables us to provide you much better coaching and encouragement.