your Exercise plan
heart rate based exercise
To get the most out of your Challenge, it is advised to adopt a regular habit of being physically active. You will get BETTER results, FASTER!
In this challenge, we've set you personal target of minutes in your personal heart rate zones each week. You can do what ever you like and choose to do to accumulate your minutes.
If there are circumstances that require you have different targets, we understand. Be sure to schedule a 15-minute appointment with your coach to discuss your situation.
You have the CorSync heart rate monitor so that your exercise is heart rate based.
Your heart rate monitor will show you what you heart is doing right on your phone. Why is this important? Because your heart rate is the BEST indicator of what you do and how you do it. Want to go run, hike, lift weights, or do yoga? Go ahead and watch your heart rate create your personal story of what you did and how it went. Each week you will have clear goals of how much total exercise time you should shoot for and how much of it should be easy (grey or below zone), medium (blue or in zone) and hard (orange or above zone). You can literally do whatever you enjoy doing, you just do it in a way that meets your targets and you will be confident you are getting the benefits you are seeking. Below is a more detailed description of the heart rate zones and the benefits of spending time in each.
Heart rate monitor
Watch this short video about how to use the CorSync heart rate monitor with the CorSync app
Your Personal Plan
Each week you will have clear goals of how much total exercise time you should shoot for and how much of it should be easy (GREY), medium (BLUE), and hard (ORANGE). When you login to the app, you will see the DASHBOARD. On the DASHBOARD, you will see your targets for the week for the GREY, BLUE, and ORANGE heart rate zones and how you are doing so far in meeting your targets.
heart rate zones
This is a challenge where quality exercise is important in order to get results. That is where your monitor comes in. You have heart rate zones set for you with targets to get a certain number of minutes in each zone each week. Using your age and gender, the settings for targets are in the table below.
For this challenge, you have a target number of weekly MINUTES OF QUALITY PHYSICAL ACTIVITY. If you have questions about these targets or feel they are not right for you, contact your coach to discuss.
By the way, there is no penalty for not meeting your weekly goals. It's all about your own success.
On demand workouts
Get your exercise minutes and workout in your zone with our library of on-demand video's in the comfort of your home.
Make sure to wear your heart rate monitor to see your progress and leaderboard.
Cast to your TV!