Week two Tools & Tips

Food & exercise Skills 

Eat quality PROTEIN at each MEAL

Dietary protein. It’s one of the most important topics when it comes to your body and making improvements to it and why it is the first food skill we will work on. 

Let's keep this as simple as possible. For now, we want you to know that eating moderate amounts of protein, at regular intervals throughout the day, can help promote satiety and in turn, help manage hunger, which is a foundational piece of the weight loss puzzle. So, how many servings of protein dense foods should you have at meals and snacks? Your needs will vary depending on body weight, activity level and gender, but let's start with a simple template shown in the image below. Your hand is proportionate to your body and is a great tool for helping you eat appropriate portions. For most people this is about 15-20 grams of protein. This week, we encourage you to focus your food tracking in your CorSync app on the protein source and portions at all meals and snacks. By doing this, you will learn if you are eating protein rich foods consistently throughout the day or if your portions are way too big (yes, there is such a thing as overdoing protein too!). Also, as you add protein rich foods, notice how you feel. Are you less hungry? Are you eating less overall? Below is a list of animal and plant based proteins that count as your protein rich food.  


Why should you strength train for men and women with coach Jess, exercise physiologist.

superchage your results with strength training

One of the best strategies for losing weight, getting fit and improving your energy and confidence is strength training.  

Why strength train? Let’s explore a few reasons.

1. It builds muscle. You’re saying, “well duh!” Muscle burns 5 times as many calories per minute as fat does, no matter what you are doing. Running? Yep, your muscle is burning at 5 times the rate of your fat. Cooking dinner? Your muscle is burning at 5 times the rate of your fat. Sleeping? Your muscle is burning at 5 times the rate of your fat. You can see then why it will be a super helpful skill for weight loss!

2. Muscles have a nicer shape. The goal to look nice is a great goal to have, even though sometimes we may not want to admit it for fear of appearing vain. When we look good, we feel good and when we feel good we are more likely to think clearly and make better choices. So those shapely muscles will not only affect your appearance but indirectly your decision making. 

3. It increases strength. Strong is healthy, weak is not. Bottom line. When we are strong ALL tasks are easier, from the simple to the complex, and we do them with less risk of injury. Speaking of injury, when you’re hurt, you don’t get to exercise, which shoots a hole right through the middle of your health goals. So stay strong, stay injury free, and stay healthy.

For this week, we want you to incorporate strength training if you aren't already doing so. Be sure to wear your cardio monitor when you do it, because it can encourage you to push yourself and earn you time in both the grey and blue zones.  We are giving you a basic strength program in the button below. These exercises alone will build strength and help you feel and move better. It can be more complicated than this, but it doesn’t have to be and will take you under 20 minutes. An overall goal would be to fit a strength workout in 2-3 times per week.

Check out the plans you can download.