How To Give Interac e-transfer. Interac e-transfer.
Use the following email:
Use the following email:
Please note:
Indicate in message field of interac etransfer
any portion of amount that is designated.
All non-designated amounts will go directly to General Fund
We have question necessary!
Also...please DO NOT send etransfer by text...
all etransfers must be sent by interac email.
Receipts for donations will be sent annually.
In order to receive a receipt...we must have your
full name and a mailing address! check through mail check through mail
Make checks payable to:
Make checks payable to:
New Testament Baptist Church
New Testament Baptist Church
20 Ashdale Ave.
20 Ashdale Ave.
Halifax, NS B3N 2C8
Halifax, NS B3N 2C8
Please note:
Indicate in the memo of the cheque
any portion of amount that is designated.
All non-designated amounts will go directly to General Fund.
Receipts for donations will be sent annually.
In order to receive a receipt...we must have your
full name and a mailing address!