
Spring 2019 Semester

(5/2)- GeoSociety Cord Ceremony 

CALLING ALL GEOSOCIETY GRADUATING SENIORS! We will be having a cord ceremony for all who are graduating this Spring or this Fall of 2019! The room location is TBA. Please come out and enjoy the festivities with us!

(4/18)- QED Energy Associates Seminar

Come out to this seminar with QED Energy Associates! There's potential opportunities for part-time experience as well as a GREAT networking opportunity for those interested in the oil & gas field. DON'T MISS IT.

(2/12)- Preparing for Field Geology in Montana

Going to Field Camp this summer and wanna know more? Join us to get info on everything you need to know about Field Camp!

(2/5)- Geologic Outreach

Come do reachout with us!!!

(1/31)- Antarctic Meteorites 

 Join us at our first Spring semester meeting where Dr. Minako is talking about Antartic Meteorites!