Our Curriculum

At Scarning Primary School, at the forefront of our English curriculum is a desire to drive our children’s love of reading. Through this, we aim to inspire an appreciation of our rich and varied literary heritage and a habit of reading for pleasure. The books that our children explore will be high-quality, diverse and cross-curricular, providing them with a wide-range of different texts which develop both their knowledge and interests; such texts will also generate discussions which are thought-provoking and which all children can access. By the end of year 6, it is fundamental that our children leave with a life-long enjoyment of reading and books and are able to read accurately, fluently and with understanding.

How is reading taught in EYFS, KS1 and KS2?

  • Phonics teaching (please see the phonics tab for more information)

  • Book talk in EYFS and Y1 to promote a love of reading.

  • Guided reading in Y1 to model fluency and beginner comprehension strategies using the WordSparks decodable books.

  • Whole class reading across Y2 and KS2 where children use the reading domains of define, retrieve, summarise, infer, predict, relate, explore and compare. Written comprehension begins in Y2. Whole class reading is daily once in KS2.

  • Class novels read daily to promote reading for pleasure. Children will be exposed to a wide range of texts (fiction, non-fiction, poetry) across the year.

  • Reading is embedded in other areas of the curriculum such as history, geography, science, RE and RSHE.

Want to become a reading volunteer?

Our reading volunteer programme is an important part of developing a child's reading fluency and comprehension. It provides a child with that important 1:1 reading time as well as an opportunity for them to talk about the books that they love with someone other than their teacher or parent.

Interested? Download the application and return to the office as soon as possible. Volunteer slots are available across the school and we would be incredibly grateful for any extra support.

Model_Job_Application_Form_F108l_final (1).docx
Scarning Primary School Reading volunteer role description.pdf