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Assignments for the 2024-2025 school year

Summer Reading 

Check the tab on the left for your class. There is more information there.

 9th grade students must buy and read:

Flowers for Algernon by D. Keyes

The Book Thief  by  M. Zusak

 10th grade students must buy and read:

Snow in August by P. Hamill

The Metamorphosis by F. Kafka

 11th grade English students must buy and read:

 Fahrenheit 451 by Bradbury

 On Tyranny  by Snyder

 12th AP students must buy and read: 

In Country  by Bobbie Ann Mason  See the fuller instructions in the tab on the left.  There is a written assignment.

 Holocaust Literature; Evil,Justice, Surprise; and Miniature Literature students must buy and read:

A non-fiction book OF YOUR CHOICE. See the fuller instructions in the tab on the left. 

 The Matrix of Self students must buy and read:

The Lonely Man of Faith, Rav Joseph B. Soleveitchik;   

 Crime and Punishment (Norton Critical edition) Fiodor Dostoevsky