

Useful Websites:

  1. World Population

  2. World population - An Interactive Experience

  3. Introduction to Ecology - Teacher's Pet

  4. Bozeman Science - Environmental Systems

  5. Bozeman Science - Ecosystem Ecology

  6. Bozeman Science - Energy Flow in Ecosystems

  7. Bozeman Science - Ecosystem Diversity

  8. Bozeman Science - Natural Ecosystem Change

  9. Bozeman Science - Ecological Succession

  10. Bozeman Science - Biogeochemical Cycles

  11. Bozeman Science - Population Ecology

  12. Bozeman Science - Human Population Dynamics

  13. Bozeman Science - Human Population Impacts

  14. Bozeman Science - Biodiversity

  15. Introduction to Ecology

  16. HHMI: Biome Viewer

  17. HHMI: Keystone Species and Trophic Cascades

  18. Food Chains, Food Webs, and the Energy Pyramid - The flow of energy and matter through an ecosystem.

  19. Energy Transfer in Trophic Levels - Teacher's Pet

  20. Energy Pyramid Animation

  21. Bioaccumulation and Biomagnification - A brief review and animation

  22. Effects of Mercury Contamination on Onondaga Lake Birds and Bats - High levels of toxic mercury found in Onondaga Lake birds, bats; studies show web of contamination

  23. What is Symbiosis? - Stated Clearly

  24. Symbiotic Relationships

  25. What is Symbiosis? Mutualism, Commensalism, Parasitism + Examples

  26. Symbiosis: Mutualism, Commensalism, Parasitism - with StoneAgeMan

  27. Extreme Animal Relationships - Earth Unplugged

  28. How the Earth Recycles Elements: Biogeochemical Cycles

  29. The Water Cycle Animated Diagram

  30. The Water Cycle Explained Easily by the EPA

  31. The Cycle of Insanity: The Real Story of Water

  32. From Toilet to Tap

  33. NASA Computer Model Provides a New Portrait of Carbon Dioxide

  34. The Carbon Cycle Tutorial

  35. The Carbon Cycle and Climate Change

  36. What's the Deal with Carbon?

  37. The Carbon Cycle - TED: Nathaniel Manning

  38. NASA: Keeping Up with Carbon

  39. The Nitrogen Cycle Tutorial

  40. The Nitrogen Cycle Animated Tutorial

  41. The Nitrogen Cycle Animated Diagram

  42. The Nitrogen Cycle and Human Impact

  43. The Nitrogen Cycle and Farming Beef

  44. Ecological Succession - Primary - Teacher's Pet

  45. What is Ecological Succession? - Secondary

  46. Mt. St. Helens Images

  47. Mt. St. Helens Eruption Images from Space

  48. Secondary Succession on Mt. St. Helens - Prezi presentation by Nathan Stewart

  49. Smithsonian Channel: Footage of the 1980 Mt. St. Helens Eruption

  50. Looking Back at the Mt. St. Helens Eruption

  51. Deadly Mount St. Helens

  52. Mt. St. Helens Erupts - The eruption of Mount St. Helen's, set to the song "Should I Stay or Should I Go" by The Clash.

  53. Dave Crockett: Escaping from the 1980 St. Helens Eruption

  54. From Mt. St. Helens volcanic ashes, Mother Nature rebuilds.

  55. Mt. St. Helens 30 Years Later

  56. Population Ecology

  57. Factors that Affect Population Size

  58. Ecological Carrying Capacity

  59. Serious Science: Biological Carrying Capacity

  60. r and K Selection Strategies

  61. U.S. and World Population Clock - Note: The Population Clock is consistent with 2010 Census data and the most recent national population estimates

  62. Population Dynamics - Teacher's Pet

  63. Acid Rain Animation

  64. The Chemistry of Acid Rain

  65. Greenhouse Effect and Global Warming Animation

  66. The Greenhouse Effect and Global Warming

  67. Invasive Species in the Great Lakes Region

  68. Global Climate Change

  69. A Way Forward - Facing Climate Change - Explore the global impact of climate change and its devastating effects—and learn what scientists suggest in response—in this short documentary film from National Geographic and the UN Foundation.

  70. Ozone Depletion Animation

  71. Ozone Layer Danger

  72. Earth Focus Episode 41 - Biodiversity and Health - What do plants, snakes, molds, marine sponges, and cone snails have in common? They have helped develop medicines that save human lives. Biodiversity -- the variety of life on Earth -- is key to human survival. But plants, animals, and microorganisms are disappearing at unprecedented rates. What impact will this have on human health? Find out in this Earth Focus special report, produced in collaboration with Harvard Medical School's Center for Health and the Global Environment. Earth Focus is an environmental news magazine that puts a human face on the environment by featuring under-publicized stories about how changes in our environment are affecting everyday people.

  73. A World of Biodiversity - FAO - A video presenting Biodiversity through different experiences filmed in 4 countries in three different continents. Biodiversity is vital for the production of food and to conserve the ecological foundation needed to sustain peoples' livelihoods. It is vital for adapting crops and animals to a range of environmental conditions and contributes to important functions, like nutrient cycling, pest and disease regulation, pollination, maintenance of water quality, soil health and erosion control. Biodiversity provides many services to agriculture, but agriculture too can serve biological diversity.

  74. Learn to Protect Biodiversity - UNESCO - A video showing how to address biodiversity through Education for Sustainable Development and mobilise teachers, students, researchers and decision-makers to reflect on biodiversity issues and their interdependence with global sustainable development issues. It shows how education can help us better understand the value of biodiversity and the causes of biodiversity loss. It also gives examples of how educators and students can get active and help conserve biodiversity. It aims to increase public awareness of biodiversity issues by inspiring stakeholders, including young people, teachers and media professionals.

  75. How to Explore yourBackyard Biodiversity with Pitfall Traps

  76. What is deforestation?

  77. CNN Explains: Deforestation

  78. Jack Johnson: A Song about Deforestation

  79. Intro to the Problem of Invasive Species

  80. Invasive Species and the Story of Bunny

  81. Overstepping Boundaries: The Danger of Invasive Species

  82. New York Invasive Species Clearinghouse

  83. Environmental Issues 2013

  84. Global Environmental Problems and Challenges

  85. 5 Human Impacts on the Environment: Crash Course Ecology #10 - Hank gives the run down on the top five ways humans are negatively impacting the environment and having detrimental effects on the valuable ecosystem services which a healthy biosphere provides.

  86. Pollution: Crash Course Ecology #11 - Hank talks about the last major way humans are impacting the environment in this penultimate episode of Crash Course Ecology. Pollution takes many forms - from the simplest piece of litter to the more complex endocrine distruptors - and ultimately, humans are responsible for it all.

  87. Conservation and Restoration Ecology: Crash Course Ecology #12 - Hank wraps up the Crash Course on ecology by taking a look at the growing fields of conservation biology and restoration ecology, which use all the kung fu moves we've learned about in the past eleven weeks and apply them to protecting ecosystems and to cleaning up the messes that we've already made.

  88. Review Animations and Quizzes - Review Animations and Quizzes for: C Cycle, N Cycle, Bioaccumulation, Global Warming, Acid Rain, Ozone Depletion, Population Growth

  89. The Lorax - Dr. Seuss' Original Lorax animated TV special from 1972. Follows the actual story line of the book.

Ecology Ch 3 Answers.pdf
Ecology Ch 4 Answers.pdf
Ecology Ch 5 Answers.pdf
Ecology Ch 6 Answers.pdf