Unit 5: Environment and Economics


Unit 5. Environment and Economics Related Websites

  1. What is Gross Domestic Product (GDP)?
  2. Nominal vs. Real GDP
  3. Real GDP Per Capita and the Standard of Living
  4. Basic Facts of Wealth
  5. How Can Countries Measure the Well-Being of their Citizens?
  6. Living on one dollar a day
  7. Introduction to Economics
  8. The Demand Curve
  9. The Supply Curve
  10. Economic Equillibrium
  11. Economy and the Environment
  12. Country Land Area vs Population
  13. Global Earnings Per Day Animated An animation from the world sized by people living on less than $1 a day, to those earning over $200.
  14. Global Income Inequality
  15. Haitians destroy environment in struggle to survive
  16. The Poverty-Environment Initiative: greening human development Published on Apr 24, 2014 Poor people depend on the environment for their livelihoods and well-being. Improved management of the environment and natural resources contributes directly to poverty reduction, more sustainable livelihoods and pro-poor growth. To fight poverty, promote security and preserve the ecosystems that poor people rely on for their livelihoods, we must place pro-poor economic growth and environmental sustainability at the heart of our economic policies, planning systems and institutions.To tackle this challenge, the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) joined hands and launched the Poverty-Environment Initiative (PEI). The PEI is a global UN programme that helps countries to integrate poverty-environment linkages into national and sub-national development planning, from policymaking to budgeting, implementation and monitoring.With both financial and technical support, UNDP and UNEP assist government decision-makers and a wide range of other stakeholders to manage the environment in a way that improves livelihoods and leads to sustainable growth. The PEI works with key government partners to raise awareness, influence policy making and strengthen the mainstreaming of poverty-environment into budget processes, sector programmes and sub-national planning. The overall aim is to bring about lasting institutional change and to catalyse key actors to increase investment in pro-poor environmental and natural resource management.