Unit 3: Energy: Nonrenewable and Renewable


Unit 3. Energy Resources Related Websites

  1. U.S. Energy Information Administration What is Energy? Energy Sources. Using & Saving Energy. History of Energy.
  2. Energy Sources Webquest
  3. Bozeman: Energy Consumption
  4. Energy 101: Electricity Generation Animated correspondent "Little Lee Patrick Sullivan" follows electricity from its source to the light bulb in your home, explaining different fuels, thermal power generation, transmission and the grid.
  5. Coal, Oil and Natural Gas
  6. What's the Deal with Fossil Fuels? California Academy of Sciences
  7. The Chemistry of Clothes California Academy of Sciences
  8. BP Statistical Review of World Energy 2014
  9. 10 Future Energy Sources
  10. SWITCH Energy Lab Videos
  11. Powering the Future Part 1 - The Energy Revolution M. Sanjayan, explores the beginnings of a shift in energy use that will change the world. Whether for national security, the economy, or the health of our planet, there are as many drivers for change as there are technologies vying for a top spot.
  12. Powering the Future Part 2 - The Energy Planet Starting from an offshore oil platform in the Gulf of Mexico, Sanjayan looks at how the abundance of the planet's energy fuels every aspect of life on Earth. From wind, water, the sun, volcanoes and hurricanes, to the smallest cells to the tallest trees, Earth has the natural energy to power the planet but mankind is not using it. What can humans learn from the creation of the natural world that will help create energy?
  13. Powering the Future Part 3 - Striking a Balance How many people will be on the planet by 2050 and how much energy will we need? What happens if we grow and consume at our current rate?
  14. Powering the Future Part 4 - Leading the Charge Unlikely forces are slashing their carbon footprints and propelling the new economy.
  15. 300 Years of Fossil Fuels in 300 Seconds
  16. Hydraulic Fracturing 3-D Animation This 3D animation shows the hydraulic fracturing process (fracking or hydrofracking). Trial Exhibits, Inc. produces animations and illustrations that aid juror comprehension during court litigation.
  17. Fracking Explained: Opportunity or Danger?
  18. The "Costs" of Hydrofracking
  19. » The Future of Renewable Energy - Videoinfographs.com
  20. This video infographic shows all the latest figures about renewable energy.
  21. Peak Oil 2013-2014 Explained
  22. EROI
  23. The Net Energy Cliff of EROI
  24. Peak Oil Postponed? Charlie A. S. Hall
  25. National Geographic - The End of Cheap Oil
  26. Mileage Calculator