

* Magic e A long vowel is determined by the position of another vowel or consonant.

* Bossy R: When the vowels [a], [e], [i], [o], and [u] are followed by an [r] the vowel sound is controlled by the [r].

Bossy R--> I BOSS the vowels but I'm polite. I let the vowel be first ar, er, ir, ur, or. BUT I am BOSS and CONTROL the sounds ar says /r/, er, ir, ur says /er/ or say /or/

* Syllables: A word or word part having one sound

Elephant vs Jelly Bean Words

Jelly bean words have one talking vowel and when one vowel sound. (hop)

Elephant words have more than one talking vowel. (rabbit)

* Dividing Syllables:


1. Underline the talking vowel and mark them with a [v]

2. Swoop between the vowels and pull down the consonants between the vowels. (to find the cutting pattern)

3. Divide

4. Unlock the word a bite at a time.


Topic 9

Compare Two-Digit Numbers


* 1 More, 1 Less, 10 More, 10 Less: 1 more, 1 less, 10 more, 10 less express a relationship between 2 numbers

* Make Numbers on a Hundred Chart: Place-value relationships can be represented on a hundred chart.

* Compare Numbers: For 2 two-digit numbers, the number with more tens is greater. If the 2 numbers have an equal number of tens, then the number with more ones is greater.

* Compare Numbers with Symbols(>,<,=):

* Compare Numbers on a Number Line: For 2 digit-numbers shown on a number line, the numbers to the left are less than the number and the numbers to its right are greater than the number.

* Math Practice and Problem Solving: Good math thinkers know what the problem is about. They have a plan to solve it. They keep trying if they get stuck.

Topic 10

Use Models and Strategies to Add Tens and Ones


* Add Tens Using Models: Adding groups of 10 is similar to adding numbers less then 10.

* Mental Math: Ten more than a Number: When adding tens to a 2-digit number, the tens digit changes. The ones digit remains the same.

* Add tens and ones using hundred chart, open number line, and using models: When a 2-digit number is added to a one-digit number, the ones are added to the ones. When a 2-digit number is added to a multiple of ten, the tens are added to the tens.

* Make a ten to add : When a two-digit number is added to a one-digit number, the ones are added to the ones and sometimes it is necessary to compose a ten.

* Add Using Place Value: When a two-digit number is added to a one-digit number, the ones are added to the ones and sometimes it is necessary to compose a ten. The tens are added to the tens.

* Practice Adding Using Strategies: You can use different strategies to solve addition problems.

* Math Practice and Problem Solving: Model with Math: Good math thinkers use math they know to show and solve problems.