They Still Create.

Our students' creativity doesn't shut off when our buildings are closed. Even when our classrooms are empty, our students' drives to make, create and explore thrive, providing a productive outlet during times of uncertainty.


LSS & ZEH Art Show.mp4

Lincoln Street & Zeh Schools

Ms. Hackenberg

Peaslee Art Slideshow Final.pptx

Peaslee School

Ms. Waldman

Copy of Mrs. Hall Precopysents: Proctor & Zeh Student Art Masterpieces

Proctor & Zeh Schools

Mrs. Hall

Mrs. Johnson

Digital Art Show 5 - Japan.mp4

Woodward and Finn Schools

Digital Art Show 4 - Nature in Art.mp4

Woodward and Finn Schools

Ms. DuBois

Digital Art Show 3 - Foods in Art .mp4

Woodward and Finn Schools


Slide Show


Ms. Bachman

Melican Artwork-Spring 2020


Ms. Hansbury


Ceramics I, II, and Advanced

Ms. DeCiero

Art I, II, and Advanced Art

Ms. DeCiero and Mrs. Duffy

Click here for full album

Digital Art

Photo I and Photo II

Rivers Meadows Streams and Trails

Inspired by the work of Frank Gohlke, who photographed the Sudbury River, students have been seeking solace in nature.

Click Here for full ongoing album

AP 2D Design

Dedicated students met entirely outside the school day to finish their photography portfolios. Full page to come with the Algonquin Spring Art Show on June 5!