Welcome to our Online Spring Art Show

As unusual a year it has been, we wanted to showcase the many many works of art that were create this school year. This page is a sampling of what students were able to create while still in the classroom. This large grouping of artwork is not all of the work we would have normally showcased in our annual show, but merely what we were able to access over these last few weeks. There are many students who may not be represented here, or works that had to be left unfinished. Work is organized according to class for you to scroll through, with the exception of our AP Courses, as these students would normally have an entire section of wall, we tried to keep the spirit of that tradition by showcasing their collections independently.


AP Drawing and AP 2D Design: Student Collections

Catherine Boush

Kayla Dantz

Kaitlyn Wilbur

Alex Cheney

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Maddie Kostiw

Rachel Sampaio

Matt Keller

*Piece Unfinished

Samantha Hostage

Grace Tang

Connor Craig

Mia Novak

Elizabeth Webb

Issa Kampf

Art I & II


Ceramics and Sculpture

Advanced Art

Digital Art & Graphic Design