Meet the Architects and Visual Preference Exercise

Meet the Architects and Visual Preference Exercise

On Wednesday, April 10, ThenDesign Architecture hosted a Meet the Architect event at the North Ridgeville Academic Center. Around 75 community members attended to meet the design team for the construction project, ask questions, and provide feedback on exterior preferences. 

A visual preference activity was presented for attendees to complete. Several boards with different aesthetic designs were displayed and guests selected their preferences by placing stickers on those boards. If you were not able to attend this event but would like to participate in this survey, please click here.

The district and TDA are currently accepting requests for qualifications for a construction manager at risk. Once secured, there will be another opportunity for the community to be involved in a similar setting. The construction manager will speak about the project and timeline and what the construction phase will look like. Stay tuned for more information.

North Ridgeville CSD - Meet the Architect.pdf