Building for the Future

As a result of the successful passage of Issue 16, a November 2023 Bond Issue, the district is moving forward with their high school and transportation center construction project.  

Issue 16, aimed at constructing our long-awaited new high school and transportation/maintenance facility, has successfully passed! This achievement is a significant step forward in providing an enhanced educational experience for our students and furthering our commitment to their future.

The approval of Issue 16 means that we can now move forward with the construction of our new high school. This state-of-the-art facility will not only provide a safe and modern learning environment but also offer our students access to cutting-edge resources and technologies, allowing them to thrive academically and prepare for their future endeavors.

Construction Updates:

What's included in the plan?

What's next?

Throughout 2024, designers will conduct engagements with district staff, students and the community to compile feedback on designs for the new high school. The district will use this website to host future updates on the project, along with upcoming engagement opportunities.