Humorous: There are many flavors of humor: dark humor, character-based or situational. The comedy in these books runs the gamut from basic potty humor to the most cerebral jokes.  

High-drama: Juicy and sensational, these books deal with high-stakes social scenes and strong personalities.

Inspiring: These enlightening & uplifting books will stay with you. 

Feel-good, Heartwarming, Fun:  These books not only have uplifting endings but are upbeat throughout.

Reflective/Philosophical: Contemplative books featuring characters who think seriously about their lives and place in the world. 

Heart-wrenching / Tear-Jerking: Best read with tissues nearby. 

Action-Packed/Thrilling: Rapid-fire action propels the plot. 

Issues-Based/Political: These explore ethical and social problems. (Includes both nonfiction and fiction) 

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