Curriculum Guide & Course Selection


24-25 Curriculum Guide and Guidance Handbook.docx


23-24 Curriculum Guide and Guidance Handbook.docx (4).pdf


22 -23 Curriculum Guide and Guidance Handbook.pdf

Our Science Department offers excellent options to fulfill the science graduation requirements as well as electives in physical science, earth science, chemistry and physics.  Students also have several AP (Advanced Placement) options and dual credit courses.  Biomedical Science offers a full graduation pathway with career exploration opportunities!

Honors Biology or Biology

Which class is right for me?

Students are placed by middle school teachers, as well as math scores and any previous honors courses.  

ICP or Chemistry

How should I decide which course is right for me?

Did you struggle in Biology and Algebra?  Then take ICP. 

If you did well in Biology and Algebra, then take Chemistry!  

Honors Chemistry

Dual credit option through Indiana University

What is so special about Honors Chemistry at NPHS?

if you’re thinking of going into the STEM field, then you should choose this course. 

AP Chemistry

Dual credit option through Purdue University Northwest

If you’re interested in the medical field and/or engineering, take this course. 


If you’re strong in Algebra and Geometry, this course should be a good fit. 

AP Physics I

Interested in pursuing the engineering field or physical sciences? Take this course!  Must be strong in math.

AP Physics II

Interested in pursuing the engineering field or physical sciences? Take this course after AP Physics I. 

Environmental Science

If you like anything to do with the environment, including science and law. 

AP Environmental Science

If you are planning to have anything to do with environmental science or environmental law, you need this class. 

Earth Space Science

If you’re interested in physical sciences, but struggle with math, take this course. 

AP Biology

AP Biology

Biomedical Sciences.mp4

Biomedical Science Pathway

For more information about this pathway, career options, and courses please visit the Health Sciences page.  

Our skilled educators in the English Department continue building strong communication skills through a variety of intentional instructional strategies.  Students have Honors level courses in ninth and tenth grade and AP opportunities in eleventh and twelfth grade.  In addition, our English Department offers electives for students to diversify their course schedule and explore additional areas of interest.



Creative Writing



Writing Center (Peer Tutor) Course Video.mp4

Writing Center

Improve your writing skills, get volunteer hours, and provide a valuable service to the school as you help other students grow as writers!

NPHS Mathematics educators work diligently with students to reinforce and continue to develop strong problem solving, logic, and reasoning skills necessary to solve mathematical problems in every day life as well as complicated computations required by future job functions.  

Natural Math Progression

   8       9        10        11        12       (Grade Level)

Alg I, Alg II, Geom, PC/Trig, Calc   (Course Sequence)

           Alg I, Alg II, Geom, PRIME   (Course Sequence) 

Our Math Department offers honors or pre-AP options at each level as well as AP Calculus.  Seniors have the opportunity to take PRIME math or Advanced Technical Math if these courses better suit future career interests or goals.  Probability & Statistics is also a course offered for students interested in better understanding statistical techniques of the decision-making process.  

From the history of our world to the history of our country, Social Studies shows how people interact with one another to create the incredible world we live in.  Course choices include World History, Current Events, Indiana Studies, Economics, Government, Sociology, Psychology, Geography, US History, and many AP opportunities!

AP Human Geography

AP World History video.mp4

AP World History


Sport Psychology

No one ever says, “I wish I hadn’t learned a second language.” (This also applies to playing the piano and/or guitar!)

The World Language Department has two (2) ECAs:

World Languages

¡Se habla español!

Je parle français!

Language for Heritage Speakers

This is the perfect class for verbally proficient students of the SPANISH language. The goal for the year is to pass the AAPPL test in order to gain the Seal of Biliteracy on your high school diploma.

Physical Education and Health & Wellness help students to be active, listen to, and understand their ever changing bodies.  Questions such as, "How do I advocate for my own health?" and "How do I live a generally healthy life?" are addressed in these very important courses.  Athletes those less athletically inclined will all learn new skills for a      healthier lifestyle for today and in the future.

Competitive Games

Formerly Lifeline

Course Selection 22-23.mp4

Strength & Conditioning

Our Fine Arts Department showcases incredible talent of all kinds through the arts.  Voice, instruments, paint, pencil, clay, sculpture, and more give students an opportunity to create, express themselves, and share talents with others that fuel the soul!  What course will you discover that will light a fiery passion in your life?

Intro to 2D Art

3D Course Video.mp4

Intro to 3D Art


Band Program




Beginning Guitar


Beginning Keyboarding

Career Pathways: Explore Your Future

NPHS offers 11 career pathways in the building as well as opportunities to explore careers through AK Smith Career Center in Michigan City.  Students will build 21st Century employable skills while learning more about their specific career interests by taking a sequence of three courses within a pathway.  Finally answering the question, "When will I ever need this?" by seeing how core subjects like math, English, and science apply in the workplace.  

Students that complete the initial three courses in a pathway will be eligible for the Capstone course as a senior.  Capstone students may interview for internships; paid and non-paid positions within the career path will be available with area community partners to continue learning as well as offer students real world experience.  While some students find their chosen path is not what they thought it would be and decide to change gears, other students may find long term employment or validation for career and education goals.  No matter what, all students will gain fodder for resumes.  Some of our community partners offer scholarships and education agreements to help employees further education goals while continuing to work.  Many community partners have multiple career pathway opportunities for our students.  


Advanced Manufacturing Pathway

BRAND NEW FOR 2023-2024!

Advanced Manufacturing 4.0 offers students the opportunity to pursue several SACA certifications that are industry recognized and highly sought by employers.  Check out the new simulation equipment our lab will be equipped with: 

Agriculture at New

Investigate production animals through animal anatomy, physiologoy, behavior, nutrition, reproduction, health, selection, and marketing.  Labs and dissections give hands on opportunities to learn about animals in depth!

Principles of marketing, including digital marketing, to promote a product to a researched target marget.

Prepare for a future in the work world whether that be at any level in retail, or an office of any kind, owning your own business, or just don't know which pathway to choose.  This pathway will help students deepen their computer skills and help no matter what the future holds!


Coding, programming, networking, and cybersecurity drive our society.  This exciting pathway offer students industry relevant training and certifications with dual credit potential as well as internship opportunities.  

My Movie

NP Building Trades offers students the incredible opportunity to learn on the job as well as earn their first year of apprenticeship credit with the carpenter's trade union.   

PLTW Engineering.mp4

Engineering and robotics take math, science, logic, reasoning, and problem solving into our world to build roads, fabricate parts, fly planes, and much more.  From CAD design to actual fabrication, engineering offers something for everyone.  

Agriculture at New

Discover the form and function of plants and soils.  How do plants multiply from seed, cuttings, and grafting?  Experiments and work in the greenhouse are part of this course!

Biomedical Sciences.mp4

Interested in the medical field? Humans OR animals, and not just nurses and doctors/patient care!

Human Development 2020.mp4

Wellness from conception through the end of life are investigated through this course.  A great introduction for anyone and any pathway.  Cooking labs, interpersonal relationships, communication, and so much more are all investigated as students travel throughout the lifespan.  

Anyone with an interest for working with children or families should consider this pathway.  A better understanding of how children learn, how families interact, and how children develop in a variety of ways.  Students have an opportunity to work with our Cougar Cubs Preschool.

Basic Skills and direct taught courses offer our exceptional learners opportunities to span learning gaps and continue to meet personal educational goals.  Individualized Educational Plans create accommodations to level the playing field, creating an equitable learning environment for all students.  

Guidance counselors at New Prairie High School provided students college and career counseling to prepare for their future.  As students work through their final four years of school, our counselors work with students to navigate decisions and choices to facilitate the achievement of future goals.