Seesaw in an online student learning journal. Students take ownership of their work. They get a choice in how they want to showcase their learning, all while their family follows along from almost any device.

Ways to use Seesaw

Students record themselves talking or reading (track year-long fluency)

Take a picture and label

Daily Journal, newsletters to families (!!!)

👆🏼SO powerful! Share a link to anywhere; any type of learning!

Students record themselves OR what they are working on and showing what they know!

Simply Integrates files from Google Drive.

100 Ways to Seesaw - Flashcards.pdf

follow ⬆️ link to make a copy! This and other resources can also be found on their website.

Seesaw Daily 5 Bingo
  • One of the best features within Seesaw lets you assign pre-made activities for students to complete. This involves little to no prep work, you can share your activities with other teachers via a link, and you can assign activities an unlimited amount of time. You can ALSO create your own activities!
  • Find seesaw groups on social media - so many resources are shared!
  • Record newsletters, or share digital newsletters with families through the "announcement" feature.