Google Classroom

🤟Reading Intervention Seatwork is a "to-do" list in google classroom. Students have a choice in what they complete, and when, and all of the information and links are located in one place.

🦊 I will often use emojis within their list, or as the bullet points to draw their attention to different areas.

✏Use the private comment option within each post to interact with the students, or to have them show their learning on the content.

Google Classroom Quick Tips

✨If you end up needing to use the same post daily, but only changing it a little don't create an entirely new post, just edit post and keep all the attached files.

✨Have students use the create option within an assignment so you can help them edit while they are working. If you make the document or template ahead of time you don't have access until they submit.

✨When they use the create option you have access to their documents while they do.