
Create a website AS A CLASS!

  • Use new google sites
  • Set up the basics of the website ahead of time
  • Put students in groups of 4-5
  • Set up very specific expectations ahead of time
  • Project the website as it's being edited so students realize they are editing LIVE

Google Slides Collaboration

One Word Shared Slides-Mitchell

  • expectations are set up ahead of time - how to interact on the same document without ruining someone's work
  • teacher can see all of the revision history
  • re-use the same set up each year by just resetting the revision history back to the template.

Google Slides for collaborative writing

  • Create a slide deck each week with the writing prompt and writing trait.
  • Give the entire class editing rights to the ONE slide deck.
  • Students work on their own slide and you can leave formative feedback while they write.
  • Students use TAG feedback for each other.

An example of our writing with a focus on strong words (bold words), and the grammar skill of the week (highlighted in orange).